Something you want to say to someone, but can't...


Well-Known Member
D: I really hope he isn't gay.. I'd settle for bi.. Ahh the joys of theatre.
I thought the same thing, haha.
Except he was a dancer instead of an actor :p
I regret coming home after running away.

I wish I had been raised by more caring, attentive, and encouraging people.

You make me hate myself.

I wish you had aborted me.
My toes are freezing. Can you be the firepit [snuggle bunny] to my marshmallows [toes]?
snuggle bunny sugar lump honey bear love muffin thirsty sugar booger uvula puncher


Well-Known Member
Ahhh they're both tricky and insanely good looking usually.
Oh definitely. Good luck :p. I ended up becoming really good friends with the guy, so it's all good.

I wish I could tell you how I'm excited that I just got my first college acceptance letter...