Something you want to say to someone, but can't...


I haven't quit; college happened.
it honestly sucks because I don't want to feel like this.
With every argument we have you make feel like he did once and I can't shake it.
This is why I run away from you.

Why did this have to happen?!
I don't want you to know and if you ever find out I'll disappear.
I keep falling deeper.
You drive me insane.
Some days I want to kill you and others I just want to kiss you.

But it'll never happen because it's not supposed to and I don't want it to.

Why do you do this to me?

shhh I'm undercover..
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Well-Known Member
tbh it is really despicable to offer someone financial assistance in exchange for unsavory imagery and then spout off about how you'd have ripped them off anyway when they decline

waiting for karma to getcha ;)
If I could say something to say to someone else it would be: I love and miss you: Aunt Jeana and Uncle John. They're both dead. They were my great-aunt and great-uncle. My great-uncle had leukemia and my great-aunt had Parkinson's Disease.
I know you know how I feel... But I wish I knew how you felt... I want to know if we can make something happen or if this is pointless....

I want to be more than just friends... But what do you want?


Well-Known Member
is it really worth being so angry and evil? i made a mistake, i apologized, and im doing everything i can to make things better, so why are you being so cold? let's go back to when things were nice


Well-Known Member
Stop bein a dingus and be sweet to me yo


Well-Known Member
i can't say these things out loud but sometimes you just want to tell someone
Like I just went to pee
And you know when you're like, do I really have to pee? Or is this a false alarm? It's not super urgent but I guess I could go...
So I go to pee and it's like
The longest pee of my life
Like it wouldn't stop
And my boyfriend walks by and knocks and is like dude why has the sink been running for so long
And I was like oh sorry
But what I wanted to say was NO DUDE THATS ME CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?
But like I can't say this to people but it just was shocking I had to get it out ya know

Escorting myself out of the thread now