Star Wars.

It was okay. The plot was alright. The dialogue was ugh...The new characters eh. Well, I did love seeing Chewie and R2 :squee: Guess I enjoyed the older movies more.


Well-Known Member
Saw it last week and I enjoyed it. I'm sure in future films they'll shed some light on a few things, but Episode 8 can't come soon enough! Really curious to see where they take it.
Not really a fan of Kylo Ren. Lightsaber is kinda cool but I'm not interested in having a Darth Vader wannabe. Hope they do something crazy with him in future films.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall my friends want to go see it once my boyfriend comes back from Mexico, but I haven't seen a single movie! Can anyone care to summarize before I let my friends down? Or tell me where I can watch all the movies before next week? Lol
I saw it with my sister and dad yesterday and it was amazing!!! My sister and I marathoned the previous movies by watching one a day beforehand and we were so hyped for the new one and it certainly delivered!