

So this is a two part question, so brace yourself.

1. Do "superhumans" exist?
I'm sure all of us can admit to at one point in our lives (and still possibly today) we wanted to have some sort of superpower or special ability. From flying, to telekinesis, we've always wanted that special superpower that would make us a real life Marvel superhero.

But, we are much more closer to finding individuals with talents that could possibly categorize them as superhuman. I've been doing a lot of research over the past few months on documented cases of individuals that have been classified as "superhumans." Some of these cases include people who could withstand extreme temperatures both internally and externally, could dive up to 700ft deep without oxygen or swimming equipment, and had the strength to strike blows strong enough to cut the tusks off of an ox with a single strike with one hand. There's also stories of individuals who have been known to have telekinetic and healing abilities. One such case I read about was a man in the middle east who was known in his culture as a healer, but vanished suddenly when being captured on tape. *I will provide links with proper documentation that proves these cases are real and do exist.*

So, I guess my first question is do you think "superhumans" do exist? And, do you think that in time, humans as a race could evolve to become more "powerful" in a sense? Personally, I do believe that eventually we will gradually be more and more capable of extraordinary things. One theory I have is that the ability to withstand extreme temperatures such as heat/cold exists already. I honestly think that the key to "super powers" being within possibility is the cellular membrane structure; unlike the Hulk the rest of the body can remain the same which means the power is quite plausible. Are there any bacteria with an extra protective extracellular layer which allows people to withstand fire? Fire resistant carbon nanofiber aerogels are made from bacteria, so in theory, an animal or human could get the mutation since it is organic based.

2. Government Control/Weaponizing Superhumans
If super humans are found to be among us, how do you feel the government should handle them? If someone were to (as an example) be telekinetic and show strong abilities, what should happen to that individual? Would it be safe to let them live their lives normally? Should the government become involved with them? Would it be safe to weaponize these superhumans? What if a human were to become too powerful? Should they be executed as to avoid a situation where the person was too powerful to be contained? I'm curious to what you think on this issue.

Ok, that's it from me. Just random thoughts from an oreo. :giraffe:


Well-Known Member
The first thing that popped into my head when I read this was that will all the examples you listed was that I'm assuming they were achieved through training. I mean, they may be pre-disposed to be able to excel quickly in their training, (higher lung capacity for diving, etc). I mean, just take a look at Shaolin Munks who can bend spears with their throats, or Muai Thai fighters that can break bat handles with shin kicks.

I guess if it requires training, I wouldn't classify it as a trait of a "superhuman."
superhuman feats happen in adrenaline-rushing circumstances or if you that much control you can make it happen with your mind... orr you're on steroids.

if the government found them one should be sacrificed to be studied so that i can have superhuman abilities if i sign up for the army