The Magic is Still Alive!


Well-Known Member
You just gotta know where to look for it :) I'm starting this thread, among others who have attempted the same thing, to remind the community of how awesome we are! We have a loving person who is helping us recreate the game and a WONDERFUL staff who are doing their best to make sure we have fun and are satisfied!

However, what this community seems to fall short of understanding is that the magic STARTS WITH YOU! YOU are the key component to making this grand website an adventure others want to go on! YOU are the one who makes new friends to keep the magic flowing from person to person! WE are a COMMUNITY! Stop acting like neighbors and start acting like friends, family even!

What has someone done for you today that has made this place magical? Comment below something recently that you've experienced that will remind everyone why we play this game!

Personally, I was given three green keys for free from a random stranger!

Also, me and some of my friends banded together to get our lovely friend a flip hat!

Small gestures like this keep my hope and faith in this community alive. Please you guys, respect your friends, your community, the staff, and for the love of all that is good love Amy like she loves us! She's doing a job none of us seem to want to take on, so thank her for that the next time you get the chance!

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You Owe Me A Soda! :D
Hi q:
Thank you so much for posting this Bob it was really needed!
I agree, we need a reminder that they magic is still here and that there are amazing players on this game. :)

For myself, I've been trying to help the community buy giving free Sword In The Stone Magics and Green Crates!
Check out my thread if you are in need of Green Creates >>

Another thing we should try to do more is all come together and chat while riding on rides, its really fun(:
We could maybe make a contest or tournament to see who is the winning racer and award the top winners q:

And remember to just have fun and meet new players, WE can make the difference and make the game a more safe and better place that it already is. :D


Smile and the world smiles with you
Well I started the Looser Club :) Because sometimes you can get very sad seeing lots of people walking around with stuff you can not seem to win and feel very lonely. I wanted people to realize they were not alone and we can laugh at ourselves instead :) What we noticed is how many friends let them wear their clothing. That showed us how many caring people we really have in the game. Just because you see so many people wearing rare items a large portion have friends willing to share. Friendship is what makes the game magical not the just the nice items. I laughed a few times at some of the posts and I am sure many did to.

I hope we all remember it is not the amount of rare you have, how rich you are in the game. It is how many people truly touch you life in a positive way. The friends you carried with you from VMK to Myvmk and on to the future.

I will be hosting a special party at the end of the month to celebrate our DNA unlucky gene. But really we are not that unlucky when we are surround by caring friends. I plan to give out some surprises that will brighten up some peoples days :)

Thanks for trying to bring out the positives of this game @bobsbestgame
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Disneyland obsessed
This didn't happen today, but a few weeks ago I asked when the green mickey ears were given out. Someone traded me and said they had an extra and just gave me green mickey ears for nothing in return but a cheap outfit that they couldn't buy because it was a guy's outfit. Made my day.


Well-Known Member
Digression: Do you work for the public relations department for Disney Parks? Because, and this isn't sass or being rude, that post sounds like something from a Disney Parks commercial ;P

I'm not pessimistic at all, it's nice to see some positive stuff here. It's just the way you phrased it lol. Good on you for trying to keep spirits up.


Well-Known Member
Digression: Do you work for the public relations department for Disney Parks? Because, and this isn't sass or being rude, that post sounds like something from a Disney Parks commercial ;P

I'm not pessimistic at all, it's nice to see some positive stuff here. It's just the way you phrased it lol. Good on you for trying to keep spirits up.
No haha I couldn't work in a PR department. This kind of phrasing doesn't happen very often for me, I just really have to be passionate about the subject :)


Well-Known Member
The magic is definitely there for me. When green crates were released and we found out what "rares" were in them I had expressed to a friend that the one thing I really wanted to get from them was the black flip hat. She had opened two hats and at that point she told me .. if you don't get a hat you may have my spare. Who knew they would retire the black flip so quickly and it would become as hard as it is for the average player to get their virtual hands on one? My friend lived up to what she said and despite the fact the black flip hat is in such demand she still gave it to me and would not take anything in trade for it. An hour or so later I saw a conversation going on in the FC between some other friends of mine and the one was expressing that she just wanted to find someone who would trade gold ears. She was in a queue to get into the trade room open at the time to go on a search for her "dream" ... gold ears. I was fortunate to have opened two pair of gold ears and since I had been gifted my dream of a black flip hat it was a no brainer for me to immediately open a trade with her and gift her my spare gold ears.

The magic is alive and well in the game and in this community. Its up to each and every one of us to find what sparks that magic within yourself. There are deeds of kindness and selflessness that happen everyday in the game but unfortunately those are not the things we see or hear about.

I think @Amy, @Snow, @Grizzly all the hosts, staff and CLs deserve everyones respect and support for the time and effort they are all putting into making this a game we can enjoy just as much if not more when we all played in 2005-2008


Lover of all things Disney!
I pretty much love this post. I know there are a lot of players out there (myself included) that just love to be here. It is magical, and holds so many memories for each of us. I suppose there are probably more positive thoughts than negative, but unfortunately what happens is that the negative thoughts are the ones people tend to focus on. Yes, not everyone will ever agree on one thing, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion; but for the people who chose to express their opinions that may come out complainy, let us try to also put two positive comments out there. Let's face it guys, if any of us were in @Amy 's shoes, we would not be able to fill them. I am not saying either that we should not be able to express our opinions but let's all try to do it in a way that is constructive instead of just complaining about things.

I love this community, my friends I have made here and everyone!! :swoon:



not actually a grave
i never get why peope say the magic is gone. i can understand if it's just for them, but not as a whole. no matter how frustrated and sad i get over this game, every time i hear the music as i log in i'm immediately taken back. if i ever do get upset, i just think about the previous incarnation and it sort of revives my fun i have with the game.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree! Its not about the rares!! I so miss just clamming and chatting with my friends! we would have so much fun!! xo
If you see me in game say Hi! I love to talk to new people and help anyway I can xo