Trading a Hunny Badger pin!

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Well-Known Member
Trading a Hunny Badger Pin!

Mostly looking for credits, but will consider other items I went below. I will value items below based upon how many credits they are listed for in the Value check 4.0 thread here:

The item wants below are listed pretty much in order from most to least wanted.

I will leave this thread up until Wednesday evening around 8PM. Whoever is leading at that point gets the pin.

Red inferno: Hahahahahaha
Blue inferno
Sparrow Vest
Sparrow Pants
Sparrow Boots
Grumpy goes to Disney
Fireworks Magic
Let It Go Magic
Bat Magic
Invisibility Magic
Flying Carpet Magic
Test Track Magic
Zombie Magic
Candy Magic
Confetti Magic
Cursed Storm Magic
Shark Magic
Snow Magic
Snowman Magic
Dreams Suite Pin
Jungle Cruise Pinset
Peter Pan Pinset
Elsa Coronation Outfit
Elsa Ice Queen Outfit
Anna Coronation Outfit
Anna Winter Outfit
Kristoff Outfit
Hans Outfit
Anna and Elsa Pin
Sparrow Hat


Well-Known Member
@DLR Princess is leading. This is how I value her offer for those interested. Again this is based on the VC 4.0 thread.

5- Firewalls 200k
1- Bat Magic 35k
1- 5* Invisibility Magic 125k
Cursed Storm Magic 7k
Jungle cruise pinset 160k
Anna and Elsa Pin 10k

total: 537k
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