Trading Lots of Stuff..

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I'm going to need a bit of time before I can afford that, so please don't hold the magic for me. I'll be working on it though! :)
Do you want the splash mountain pin?
for *1 TT?

*1 McQueen for your *1 Cursed Storm?
I'm gonna wait and see if Elegance wants to do the trade for the Hook chair first, and I don't really need any McQueen magic right now D:
Okay I only need one of each item. (I don't need the hook chair or gold doors anymore)
Ok! When I get a chance to log on, Ill check and make sure of this, but I think I have at least one of:
Frightful Fountain
Pluto Pumpkin
Pumpkin Orange
Minnie Pumpkin

How many credits could you offer for them?
Interested in PPR Tinkerbell and PPR Mermaid 2 and if you still have Cursed Storm
Of those, the only one Ive got left or not on hold is the magic. What could you offer for it?
Im online now, in the trade room, if you're on. If not, I can meet up pretty much anytime today.
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