Trading Original Princess Hat


Well-Known Member
Has the value of the original (purple) Minnie gone down?

Why are people... low balling? :huh:


Well-Known Member
@Ultimate @InfinityFay
i dont think it has gone down at all in complete honesty, its still an ultra rare, and just because they made another version of it, it shouldnt affect the original price. for example green minnie doesnt effect it so imo neither should pink[DOUBLEPOST=1409521082][/DOUBLEPOST]
Pink princess minnie for it
i've come to notice you low ball on every single persons thread....


Well-Known Member
Pink princess minnie hat and a firewall
your kidding me right lol, how are you gonna offer the same thing and add a wall and expect me to take it? please stop posting on my threads, thanks[DOUBLEPOST=1409522120][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'll offer
1x red jacket
1x red beanie
1x clock

or the jacket set and a dream shirt
gonna have to pass, im not a fan of the winter items, however i do like the clock and dream shirt :D thats in the right direction