Ultimate Teleporter Maze (Help/Solved?)


Well-Known Member
So I started playing this, and after a while of going through circles, i got determined- so I began to actually take the time to map out each room i passed through, along with which teleporter in room A took me to which teleporter in room B. After doing this, i have 10 rooms, and 16 sets of teleporters- and I want to see if i am right in saying that there IS no solution. In the ten rooms, there are a total of four teleporters that are unaccounted for, and are impossible to reach, at least so far and according to my maps.
1- The final one in the starting room.
2 &3- in the room that has two others cordoned of in the upper right corner. The first is on the left side, above three Cinderella Shoe Chairs, and the other towards the middle of the room, surrounded by, I think, 3 treasure chest chairs.
4- A dead end one on the right side of the room with two others- the room with cacti chairs along the bottom, and a teepee on the side. Between those two sets of decoration are the saddle-seats surrounding a fire.

So, like I said, those four are impossible to get to, and considering it is an even number, it is actually possible that Im right. Just want to know if I am or not, and if there is, if I can get some explanation as to how r where I missed a teleporter....


The Confused One.
I'm a little confused with what you are asking... Is this a room you made or did someone else make it? It's also hard for me to answer anything when I haven't played this myself and would need to look at it to help.

If this is someone else's room you should talk to them about it. If it's yours and you're testing then see if you can get a friend or someone else to help you with it if they have the time.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, didnt clarify. Im trying to direct this to the people who made it, but cant find them anywhere on the game (no idea if they're even online). Figured posting it on here would have a better chance of getting a response from them. Sorry for the confusion.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Thats weird. I couldnt find any open teleporters that were missing, everything led in circles for me...