vBulletin Upgrade!

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I tried resetting my password but I am not receiving the e-mail (I signed up using an AOL e-mail account). I heard it is possible for admins to switch users e-mail addresses so if that is possible I have a g-mail e-mail address I can give an admin to switch for my account. My main account username is just "Andrew".


Previously Tessa
{I love the new forum. I have encountered a few bugs here and there, but I'm sure they will be fixed soon. Thanks!

Looks great guys!
Love this upgrade. I hope the avatar size limit gets fixed though, I don't want to make another avatar haha
I made it a little bigger, try now.
So psyched you're back, but I had to create a new account, as the reset directions weren't sent to my e-mail address after several minutes and two tries. This looks very cool though.


Well-Known Member
Why are we using vBulletin 4 when the vote won for vBulletin 3..?
58 vs 55
Because vBulletin 4 is the better choice! :)
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