Vent about work here!

So I have to put up with a lot of stupid people at work. I do A/C in the family business, and believe me the maintenance guys at these nursing homes are RUDE. Majority of it is discrimination because majority of us are younger. My half brother is 30, I'm 20, my step brother is 18, and the family friend is 18. We are the project crew/service team/warranty team. We do majority of the hardest work. But because majority of us are young, we get discriminated against by these maintenance guys or anyone else working there. For some reason they have this egocentric attitude, and they always assume you're lying or giving them an attitude.

I'm not gonna lie, I've given them an attitude before. But after working over 10 hours in a tight attic during August, trust me, you'd be grumpy too. Especially if you have fiber glass stuck to your skin because of all your sweat. That stuff feels like needles all over your body. And they itch..really bad. Don't even let me get into how it feels when it gets in your eye, or in an open cut.

Anyways just vent about the stupid stuff you put up with at work!
Oh gosh where to start. First of all, we used to share a building with Wal-Mart so it brought us a lot of business (we're a grocery store). Over the summer though, the new Wal-Mart super center opened so now the Wal-Mart we shared the building with is empty. Business is awful so we aren't getting very many hours. Since we are getting hardly any hours, you would think that we wouldn't be hiring new people, right? Nope. One girl that used to work at the store transferred to the store that was closer to her college and now that she's graduated and can't find a job, our manager is re-hiring her EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE NO HOURS TO GIVE. So who is he going to take those hours away from? Probably the people that really need it, like my mom and my friend who rely on that money. Is it sad that that girl can't find a job? Yes, but I know for a fact that her parents pay ALL of her bills, so she doesn't really need a job (I dated her brother for quite a while so this is how I know). There's also a kid who works on the front end with us who is dating a shift leaders daughter, so of course he gets all of the hours and they even started giving him service clerking hours so he gets around 30 hours every week. I'm sorry, but service clerking hours should only be given to service clerks, especially now that business is bad. And yesterday this kid was given two shifts in one day because the shift leader that he lives with told our boss he needed more hours. Makes so much sense to give hours to people when we don't have any hours in the first place, right?


Well-Known Member
So I have to put up with a lot of stupid people at work. I do A/C in the family business, and believe me the maintenance guys at these nursing homes are RUDE. Majority of it is discrimination because majority of us are younger. My half brother is 30, I'm 20, my step brother is 18, and the family friend is 18. We are the project crew/service team/warranty team. We do majority of the hardest work. But because majority of us are young, we get discriminated against by these maintenance guys or anyone else working there. For some reason they have this egocentric attitude, and they always assume you're lying or giving them an attitude.

I'm not gonna lie, I've given them an attitude before. But after working over 10 hours in a tight attic during August, trust me, you'd be grumpy too. Especially if you have fiber glass stuck to your skin because of all your sweat. That stuff feels like needles all over your body. And they itch..really bad. Don't even let me get into how it feels when it gets in your eye, or in an open cut.

Anyways just vent about the stupid stuff you put up with at work!
Join the club Zeppelin. Older people are discriminated against also. So we're in the same boat. I supervisor younger and older people and it can get frustrating sometimes. I personally don't discriminate against ANYONE!!!!! Why.... we can all learn from one another!!!! But some see it differently. I guess it's all over, no matter where you work and who you work for.
Oh wow I need this thread. First off, I work in a call centre, we call people up asking them to do surveys to get opinions on various things.
I have to put up with the same stuff everyday from hundreds of people and it gets incredibly annoying and even depressing at times if I'm completely honest. I get hung up on constantly, swore at, yelled at and just generally treat like I'm the worst human in the world for asking people to take 10 minutes of their lives to answer some simple questions. I can't even say the things I've been called because they're against the forum rules. I can sit for hours at a time just being hung up on and its a good day if I get three people to take part.
It really shows me the worst side of people! I mean sheesh a polite 'no thanks' would be fine but please don't be rude and sarcastic with me I'm just doing my job ):


Mr. Cinderella
Ugh .-. I'm the developer for a small business known as Luxury On A Leash. I practically created the entire website and I consistently feel under-appreciated. Like.. you wouldn't exist without me? kthx.

Not much to write about but the struggles. Cx

Cyber Toon

Well-Known Member
working is for poor ppl
NOT working is for
A) People who are in school... like me :)
B) People who WANT to get poor
C) People who are just plain lazy
D) People who are unfortunate enough to not be able to get a job :(
E) People who don't have the mental capacity to work
F) People who don't have the physical capacity to work (are disabled to the point of being unable to work) :(
G) People who have a super-large business that can maintain itself and are filthy stinkin' rich
i'm a hostess for a restaurant and i get a lot of rude people on the weekdays complaining how the wait is supposedly too long, when they sat there waiting for 10 minutes the LONGEST. also we get backed up on the weekends because people dining take forever to leave their table. they can see there's a wait but they insist on talking with their friends at a table while the server gives them major clues that it's time to pay the check and leave. in a case like that, we politely ask them to leave the table and offer them a free drink on us at the bar. i think people stay at their tables on purpose for a free drink, but we can't do anything about it because we don't want a bad reputation
NOT working is for
A) People who are in school... like me :)
B) People who WANT to get poor
C) People who are just plain lazy
D) People who are unfortunate enough to not be able to get a job :(
E) People who don't have the mental capacity to work
F) People who don't have the physical capacity to work (are disabled to the point of being unable to work) :(
G) People who have a super-large business that can maintain itself and are filthy stinkin' rich
dont hate me cuz u aint me


Well-Known Member
I work for a LARGE foundry. A dude in my department told the owner's son how he wanted to kill everyone in our building. He then stomped to the time clock, punched out, and baker acted himself.

Yeah.. he comes back to work tomorrow. I wouldn't mind getting into a scuffle with him.. HUGE liability on their hands now.


Well-Known Member
I've been working at Cold Stone scoopin' ice cream for a month now and it BUGS the crapp out of me when people don't know how to order or what they want to order.

me: are you ready?
them: yeah I am!
me: what can I get started for you today?
them: uhhhhhhhh well uhhhhhhh
me: ........
them: uhhhhhhhhh
me: would you like to sample any of the ice creams before you decide?
them: uhhhhhhh no. i already know what I like
them: uhhhh
me: ....
them: just give me uhhhhhhhhh... plain chocolate

we get pretty busy ,so when we have those few confused customers it backs us up quite a bit lol
I work at a grocery store. This is my first job and dear God do I hate it and I need to get out.
The people are rude and entitled. Especially in my town, where a lot of stuck up rich people live, they think everyone should do anything for them. Paper in plastic, double paper, cold items in paper. Oh I forgot I have my own bags. Usually I have to rebag everything after they say that. CAUSE GOD FORBID THEY USE PLASTIC.
The people I work with. I want to punch a majority of them in the face. Lets talk about the 63 year old courtesy clerk who never does her job and walks slower than a snail. When I first started she saw me as fresh meat and told me what to do, what I'm doing wrong. But she never did the things herself. Example: Taking a spray bottle on a sweep. Gives me ******** for not taking one but doesn't take one herself. Reminder that she is no higher or lower in ranks than me. We have the same job title but she tries to be boss. The boss who I call Nazi (don't get offended) because he wants everyone to bow down to him and picks favorites. Tattoo's are allowed at work. There was a bulletin posted regarding tattoos So I know. I have a couple on my arm and I've always had them showing. But last week I am walking past him on my way to a checkstand. He calls my name and tells me to pull my sleeve down. Ok then. I do but I'm PO'ed now. Everybody tells me to call the union but if I do that then I will definitely get on his hitlist.
Nobody does their job. There will be 4 checkstands open and I'm the only one bagging when there should be at least 2 clerks all the time. But no one cares. Everyone slacks off and I am getting so annoyed with it. I think thats it... Venting over. I need a new job. HOTTOPIC PLEASE HIRE ME! I belong with you!