VMK Mobile Prototype

Pudge that is not a mobile app for MyVMK. It is most certainly possible to have an app that would put you into vmk...while yes it might be small, it is still doable but a lot of work.


Disneyland obsessed
Very nice idea. This would allow VMK to keep up with the modern times that it reopened in.


reminds me of the Habbo app, but still pretty cool!
It reminds you of the older version of the Habbo application, doesn't it? ;)
awesome idea pls make a myvmk mobile ill love it!
I don't see how I could make a MyVMK Mobile application. MyVMK uses Adobe Shockwave, incompatible with iOS and Android. It wouldn't even be accepted into Apple's App Store anyways. Also, barely anyone plays Habbo on their mobile device, so why would MyVMK players?