What did MyVMK_Santa give you? Ho ho ho! (Or, what is your Queue number?)


I was waiting with my friend to get in, and we started talking and COMPLETELY lost track of time, so now I'm 170 in line. HELP! Hope everybody gets to get in today, though!


Well-Known Member
Are Skate shoes those red-green dancing ones?
Yes they are

I am currently 47 in line. I plan on asking for fireworks magic. Not because all of the hub bub everyone is making over it, but because it means a lot to me. If anyone is in line and could pass the word on, I would love it. It's a long story on why it's important, but it just has to do with an old friend from vmk I miss dearly, and this will honor her memory until she can join us one day :)


Smile and the world smiles with you
I have made it to 6 without crashing first time in a week or so. I am number 4 and 5 minutes left it will be so close. I might just cry if I am at number one and Santa has to leave. I will keep trying though. Fingers crossed