What ethnicity are you?

according to my birth certificate i am a black person.
bbbuuutttttt on my mother's side it is known that my great great grandmother immigrated from ireland and my other great great grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee. and then on my dad's side i'm english (bc due to my dad's research my last name comes from yorkshire???? and some of my family came from some part of UK weird) and my great great grandmother was also a full blooded native american but idk which tribe.
White american, but I am around 1/8 american indian.
We aren't exactly sure which kind, but it's most likely Cherokee/Seminole/Sioux/Plains.

It was my grandfather's grandmother.
I also have a mixture of Irish/English/German thrown in there.

I am a mutt, lol.
White American with a bunch of descents that I'm not sure of.

I DO know that I have Irish, German, Polish, and Greek descent. I think I was told by my grandmother that I have French descent as well, but other than that, I don't know about anything else. xD

I really wish I could trace back to my family roots but I wouldn't even know where to begin. o_O


dam thats crazy
As white as white gets.

Born in America, but strong roots of Irish, German and Russian. Moms side is Russian and my dad's side is Irish/German big time. Other parts that I have in my background but aren't as big are American Indian (Cherokee) and Czech.

But when you see me, I look like your average pale skinned white girl. Although people (usually Hispanics) ask me if I'm from Russia or Germany?? Lol
My mom's side is from Cuba and Spain, and my dad's side is from Cuba and Ireland so I've got a strange mix.

But people usually can't tell, so it's fun to whip out some Spanish when people think I can't speak it haha.


♥Love Ain't SO Bad♥
like many others it seems lol im a European mutt. some white with some even whiter thrown in there. in the sun man i burrrn baby burrrrn lol
I'm adopted so I'm not completely sure!

I think my birth father was Jamaican and something of the Asian Islands,
and my birth mother was American and German. SO THERE'S THAT.