What items do you want to see for Incredibles Month?



Well-Known Member
This is a tough call. There aren't a lot of inert, medium-sized objects--i.e. furnishings--associated with The Incredibles. Most of the "stuff" in that movie is either a vehicle, a small handheld item, or something that interacts with people like the rig Syndrome used to restrain Mr. Incredible and later the family. Most of the obvious options are already being released this week.

I am heartily in favor of Frozone-style ice sculptures (it would be great to jazz up my Inner Space ride!), lava walls, and big stone sculptures as others have suggested. Here are some other ideas I've come up with:

* Lava carpets (think of the scene where Mr. Incredible fights the first Omnidroid for justification)
* Kitschy 60s-style furniture like the Parrs have at home
* Computer consoles like the ones in Syndrome's lair

But this might be the perfect opportunity to give us something that of us have been wanting on general principles: the ability to display clothing items on a mannequin. This would be great for people holding yard sales or just wanting to show off their collection or reduce their on-hand wardrobe (easier to change clothes when there aren't so many to scroll through). There's a lot of displaying of superhero costumes going on in The Incredibles, from Mr. Incredible's display in his den to the elaborate theatre Edna Mode uses to demonstrate her creations to Helen. If we had something like this, we'd never need to ask Honey where our super suit is again!
I know this isn't Incredibles-related, but it is related to February, I'd like to see some Valentine's Day and Super Bowl items soon!