What Would You Do If....


Well-Known Member
I would make some new laws and basically celebrate that I rule over everyone lol.

What would you do if you could actually breathe under water?
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Well-Known Member
I would build a Disney park in Texas, and I would bring back classic animation because it's way cooler.

What would you do if an airline gave you a free one-way ticket to anywhere in the world, but you couldn't come back? Where would you go? Would you go at all?


Well-Known Member
I would go to Hawaii and probably stay there for a month and then just pay to come back.

What would you do if you met your favorite celebrity?
Take a picture with them.

What would you do if you were trapped on a deserted island?


Well-Known Member
Take a picture with them.

What would you do if you were trapped on a deserted island?
I figured you would probably say take a selfie with them or something like that lol.

If I was trapped on a deserted island I would probably try to make signals to get a plane to land or a ship to pull up.

What would you do if you found out your friend actually escaped from a insane asylum.


l'antico vampiro
I would ask them what they said/did to the wrong people to be committed in the first place hahaha

If you could do anything in the world with no limitations imposed upon yourself, what would it be?


Well-Known Member
Basically I think I would travel around the world to all the places I want to go by teleporting.

What would you do if you found out the person you were dating was a vampire.


SITS hoarder
I wouldn't care bc at least I'd have a bf hehe
but i'd probably make him do cool stuff for me

What would you do if you couldn't have your phone for a year?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind as much as the internet allows you to make free calls and texts. Plus there's Facebook and all these other social medias to keep in touch. And not to mention, you'd be able to weed out your true friends.

What would you do if you were given the option to marry into a super wealthy family (and practically be able to own anything you ever desired) but they literally had many of the living habits you disgust?


Well-Known Member
Ok wow this is a long one but uh if I was able to own anything I desired I would own Disney World and when it came to the living habits I disgust that would definitely not float with me so there would be some changes made.

What would you do if you had a vision that something bad was going to happen but you didn't know how to explain it to anyone?


l'antico vampiro
Why does that sound like someone such as the 'infamous' (thought to be at his time) Nostradamus trying to explain what a tank looks like....lol

Hmmm... but seriously, what can you do? Most human beings don't want to listen; they want immediate self-satisfaction and entertainment. However you get from point A to point B to do so, really doesn't seem to matter, regardless to most beings where that 'filling' in between comes from. The most difficult thing you can face from one life force to another is trying to explain something that someone else cannot understand. To some people, it would be like trying to explain how a star is born in the universe for example - almost like your talking to a primate who lacks certain communication standards or has no idea what empirical evidence even means anymore - nor cares! That's the sad thing about it.

What would you do if you awoke one day and suddenly realized - (let's just say...you had an 'epiphany' in this sense and leave it at that), that the world has constantly lied to you since your birth? That almost everything you've been told to believe is a lie?


Well-Known Member
If I awoke and realized that the world has lied to me since birth I would probably be really peed off and then I might go a bit crazy because of the fact that I don't know if I can ever trust anyone ever again.

What would you do if you were given a free month long vacation to anywhere in the entire world and also where would you go if you received this.
I would first freak out, and then I'd probably spend a month in the British Isles, more specifically: SCOTLAND

What would you do if your dog (or whatever pet you might have, or hypothetical pet you have) started speaking to you?


Well-Known Member
If my cat started speaking to me I would probably think I was losing my mind but then when I realized I wasn't I would have a conversation with my cat lol.

What would you do if you actually saw a twister going through your neighborhood?


Well-Known Member
I'd run and grab my camera to get some sweet shots before running to my basement.

What would you do if Amy accidentally awarded you 5* inferno on accident and let you keep it?


Well-Known Member
Oh God I think I would die from excited I man that would be just freakin awesome and also I would give one inferno to my sister in real who plays on here.

What would you do if Amy said she was leaving My VMK and she actually picked you to be the new owner?


I would rename the game Oreo Magic Kingdom and Tink would make me wonderful Oreo items. DREAM COME TRUE. One day...one day....

What would you do if you could swim in a pool of oreos?


Well-Known Member
I would do my best not to crush any of the Oreos, and hope there was a pool of milk somewhere nearby.

What would you do if you woke up and your house was in the middle of Africa, surrounded by giraffes and elephants?


Well-Known Member
I would probably think I was dreaming at first but then I would take lots of pictures of the animals.

What would you do if you found out your friend's deepest darkest secret even though no one was supposed to know?
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