Where have you been on the internet?


Well-Known Member
The Internet is an interesting place. You can meet so many people and do so many things on it. For some, it is a place to talk with real life friends. For others, it is a place to meet new people (who you probably do not know online).

Assuming most of us have ventured to other places on the Internet (aside from just VMK and MyVMK) I think it would be cool to basically tell your Internet life. Start when you first started on the Internet until now.

For me, I originally started when I was really young just playing web games on websites like Kiddonet and similar websites. My first so called "community" I joined was the AOL Kids chat room. I am a huge fan of unscramble (where you have to unscramble a word given) and there was an AOL Kids chatroom that had unscramble 24/7. I used to play it all the time and eventually got really good. I met quite a few people there who were just as good, if not better than me.

I then moved on to a game called ToonTown (which I am sure most people here know of). I played that for a while even though there was very limited chatting making socialization difficult.

After ToonTown I moved on to a Baseball game. I played a game called Ultimate Baseball Online It was probably the most realistic online version of Baseball ever created. In UBO, you created a player and manually controlled that player. You were randomly put with a bunch of other players (when you created a player you chose what position you wanted to play) and would play a real baseball game.

After playing UBO, I moved on to a game everyone here obviously knows about, which is VMK. It was such a great game and I am glad to be able to replay it here :).

After VMK, I moved on to a Football/Soccer game called Power Soccer. Basically, you created a Soccer team and played against other user's teams (just like the Baseball game, you actually played the game).

I then moved on to a website that I spent quite a while on, called justin.tv If you don't know what that website is, it is a website where people can broadcast anything they want. I was a big fan of two broadcasters there, who I watched a lot (and met lots of people). I also had a group of friends who I was really close with who liked the Jonas Brothers.

After that I moved on to a website that I have been on for years now, called OMGPOP. I met so many amazing people there and am sad that it is basically closed now (you used to be able to access the website via a certain link, which still works, but the chat rooms are down). I still talk to some of my friends from OMGPOP and they are awesome :).

That is/was my life on the internet. There were many other websites I was a member of but they were not as influential as the ones I listed.

So, what is/was your life on the internet? Where did you start, where are you now (if you are other places aside from MyVMK), and where were you in between?

This was a long post but I like talking about my internet journey, so...yeah :).


Well-Known Member
Well, my adventures started with Xanga~ when everyone thought it was cool in middle school. Then VMK and AIM became my life. I got a myspace then too, to keep in contact with friends, but shortly after VMK closed, Facebook became poppin. Then I got into Omgpop, where I made wonderful friends who I still talk to to this day even though it has closed. And now I'm here :)


Well-Known Member
I started playing online games on kid TV sites like Disney. Used AIM, Myspace, Facebook. Tried Elf Island, Millsberry, Neopets, OMGPOP. After I moved on to Runescape, VMK, and VFK for awhile. VFK/VFKF was like a home especially in 2008. I only play Transformice now on occasion and check Cheeseformice/VFK Insider once in awhile. I'll actually try playing MyVMK when POTC is up and running ;)
Transformice is an awesome game...just saying :).
Oooohhh what a fun question. Let's see if I can remember all the games I played. In order:

Neopets (continued until I was around 18)
Ragnarok Online (continued until I was around 18)
Habbo Hotel
VMK (obviously became obsessed with it)
Coke Studios
Toon Town
Wizards 101
Once Facebook came around I started playing games on Facebook more, but I continued on RO and Neopets on and off for a long time.

I was a big gamer as a kid and so my console gaming list is x5 the size.
I started too on sites like kiddonet, dressupgames, miniclip, and mostly neopets. Then I found a forum for one of my favorite bands when I was like 10 and made a lot of friends there. After that closed I found vmk and then toontown, Gaia, wizard101. Then vmk closed I went to meez. Now I go on myvmk, Facebook, youtube, and sometimes Pinterest. There are many others in past also I didn't list

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AIM, VMK, YouTube, vSide, SmallWorlds, and Pinterest.
AIM was my life.. I can still remember all my screenames I ever had to this day. I learned how to type on AIM. I remember my friends and I would have contests to see who could stay online the longest. I think my record was 25 days or something.


Well-Known Member
I played DGO through the 90's. That's Sony's "Dating Game Online". We were a large FLIRTY community that like Disney and their VMK, Sony eventually pulled the plug on the game and left countless fans heartbroken and disappointed. Amy rebuild DGO plz, thx!

One girl bought and mailed me a ticket from FL to LA so I could attend a meet. She led me to believe she was going too, but she never did. Nothing of deviance or anything, just the most prominent of players cuttin' up Cali!

The simple act of playing the game, I was blessed with seeing the world. We didn't get to hit Disneyland, but I saw the walk of stars.. thank you internets.