Where were you when the attacks on September 11 occurred?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about making a thread about "Where were you when..." and listing some major events but I decided to make one just for the September 11 attacks first (because the attacks on 9/11 are quite significant) and then make another one later with a bunch of other major events.

I was in elementary school when the attacks happened. I was pretty young at the time and I remember the principal of my school came on the PA system and said that there has been a big attack and lots of people have been killed. They then let parents come and take their children home if they wanted to.
at home, and i was like 4 i had no idea what was going on. but i had nightmares of that day and it haunts me. the number "911" comes up so many times in my life i cant stand it


NFL Football Guru
The day before 9/11, I was on a flight from Texas to Florida. I went to my first NFL game that year. So the next day I didn't go to school. So I was at home with my mom. It was a sad day. I remember picking my mom picking my brother up and we went to taco bell and asking my mom why those people did that.


Well-Known Member
It was 4 days after my 6th birthday, so I would've been in kindergarten.
The first crash happened about a minute after school officially started.

I don't remember much about the actual day, but I do remember days later, the whole school sitting in the gym having an assembly about what had just happened.


The Internet Champion!
I was at home. I didn't really know what was going on I was so young, but everyone was super freaked out and that made me very scared.
I was really young, so I didn't fully understand what was going on.
I remember they called a school assembly shortly after because the teachers were all going crazy, and we just watched the news the rest of the day. Then, about a week later, we had another assembly that was addressed to all of us about how serious of an issue this was. I mean, we were only kids then, so they had to explain why it was such a huge deal.
I was sitting in my 1st grade classroom. We were having story time, and then, all of a sudden, we were in code red.


10 mins late to everything
i was a baby but i was in bklyn and u could see smoke from 30 mins away and like my cousins were picked up early and my cousin did the "happy" dance cause she was leaving early bc she didnt understand and the teacher was yelling at her oops
I was in kindergarten. It don't remember much except for my grade being sent home early, my dad picking me up, and getting home in time for him to turn on the news and find out the second tower had been attacked. I remember him saying "Dear God they hit the second tower" and sitting on his bed with his head in hands watching the TV. I had no idea what was going on to me it was just a building falling down on the television.


Well-Known Member
I was in my first grade classroom when 9/11 occurred. Don't remember anything from that day except hearing a sonic boom and watching the evening news about the tragedy. I thought it happened in my area and was super confused about it for a while.


Well-Known Member
I was in second grade and we were let out of school early and my mom picked me up and she was crying. I honestly had no clue what was going on.


Olaf's #1 fan
When the planes hit it was about 3pm here.. so I had just come back from school. I remember clearly seeing the images on the TV and being confused and shocked (I was 6), but I don't remember if I was seeing live images.


adventureland enthusiast
I was in first grade, sitting on my mom's bed, getting ready for school while the news was on. I remember seeing the footage of the plane crashing, not really understanding the significance at all or paying particularly close attention, while my mom was watching in horror.

then when I got to school my teacher turned all the lights off and looked very sad and asked, "does anyone know what happened this morning?" and I raised my hand and said something to the effect of "a plane crashed into a big building"