Which Sorority/Fraternity are you in?


Well-Known Member
Organization Name:

Share a little about your experience and answer these fun questions!

-(Official or Unofficial) Mascots:

-Do you love your "big"?/Are you close with your big brother?

-Do you have a "little"/little brother? If so, are you close to them?

-Do have a nickname? If so, what is it?

-Do you hold any sort of position in your organization, and what is it?

My answers:

Sigma Sigma Sigma

I love my sorority so much, and what we stand for. My sorority is definitely a mixed bag, in the sense that we don't take in one type of girl, but girls with vastly different interests and personalities. I've made some great friends being involved in Tri Sigma, and it's done wonders for my confidence.

-Colors: Purple and White

-Symbols: Sailboat, Skull and Crossbones, Pearls

-Philanthropy (explain if necessary): The Robbie Page Memorial Fund; our philanthropy funds "play therapy" programs in various Children's Hospitals across the country, which are programs with the goal of helping terminally ill children cope with their illnesses.

-(Official or Unofficial) Mascots: None

-Do you love your "big"?/Are you close with your big brother?
I do love my big! We have pretty similar personalities and like some of the same things, so we click very well! :D

-Do you have a "little"/little brother? If so, are you close to them?
Not yet :)

-Do have a nickname? If so, what is it?
Little Miss Butterfly

-Do you hold any sort of position in your organization, and what is it?
I hold a position in something called Honor Council, which is basically the judicial board of the chapter. and we work with members who break rules.


Pumpkin Queen
Sorority: Delta Gamma
Chapter: Zeta Delta

Colours: Baby blue and baby pink!

Symbol: The anchor

Philanthropy: The gift of sight is something really important in my sorority, therefor we support a charity close to us that helps the blind, as well as helps prevent the loss of sight before it happens. We believe that being able to see the true colours and beauty of the world is one of gods greatest gifts to us, and nobody should go without such. We want to be part of the beauty in people's lives.

Sorority Position: I'm the treasurer for the sorority, so I'm responsible for all the money/dues that come in and out, as well as where this money is going and wether or not it is priority for certain things to be taken out of our allowance.

Extras: Since my chapter for Delta Gamma is new, we are the founding sisters for our school, and are striving to grow as we go, so next year will be our first year introducing bigs and littles :-)


Well-Known Member
Philanthropy: The gift of sight is something really important in my sorority, therefor we support a charity close to us that helps the blind, as well as helps prevent the loss of sight before it happens. We believe that being able to see the true colours and beauty of the world is one of gods greatest gifts to us, and nobody should go without such. We want to be part of the beauty in people's lives.
That's actually the most beautiful thing I've ever heard...
I'm in Gamma Sigma Sigma, a national service sorority!

-Colors: Maroon and White

-Symbols: Garnets and Pearls

-Philanthropy: Since we are a service sorority we have many philanthropy partners like the Red Cross, Alex's Lemonade Stand, March of Dimes, Make-A-Wish, etc.

-(Official or Unofficial) Mascots: Penguin!

-Do you love your "big"?: I absolutely LOVE my big(s). My chapter is very large so we allow girls to pair up when taking a little and I got a set of twins as my bigs. They are two of the nicest people I have ever met and I love them to death.

-Do you have a "little"? If so, are you close to them?: Yes, I just got one this semester. She is perfect, and I love her.

-Do you hold any sort of position in your organization, and what is it?: I was the Apparel chair for a semester, and I just recently was the recording secretary. Basically I took attendance for the chapter (over 130 girls) and I sent our chapter notes to nationals!


mischief managed
I was just initiated into the Beta chapter of a local sorority, Epsilon Sigma Phi. c:
-Colors: Forest green and ivory.
-Symbols: emeralds, diamonds, tigress, sunflower
-Philanthropy: Memorial Sloane Kettering, a local cancer research center.
-(Official or Unofficial) Mascots: Winnie the Pooh, because of his choice in friends, does not discriminate against those different than him.

-Do you love your "big"? yessss we're very similar. c:
-Do you have a "little"? not yet!

-Do have a nickname? If so, what is it? Bella.

-Do you hold any sort of position in your organization, and what is it? Next semester i'm going to be Herstorian, Community Service chair, and supplies chair.