Who do you Admire?


Well-Known Member
Colton Dixon ^_^


~ For his relentless unconditional love and creation over all things and matter itself.
family-wise i admire my grandma bc she suffered with such severe social anxiety at one point in her life that she became almost entirely agoraphobic, but she fought through it and raised 3 kids even when her and my granddad were pretty poor and idk nowadays she's the most motivating person ever and she's just really awesome

other than that I'd say Max Bemis bc he is my all-time favourite songwriter and i hope one day to be able to write as well as him. plus he's involved in so much other stuff as well (like writing comic books) and it's just so cool how one person can get all this stuff done, and most of all bc its stuff they really want to do. thats how I want to live.