Why hello thar. C:

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Hello! I'm CaptainKaycee. If anyone plays ChickenSmoothie, I'm an RP mod over there.
I used to play VMK so much and it was a big part of my childhood. I am thrilled that myVMK brought back VMK, but it does kind of stink that all of my stuff that I originally had on VMK is long gone.
Nonetheless, I'm working on trying to start up again. I'd love to get to know many people who used to be on VMK and are back as well!
I believe my name (if I remember correctly) was pirateVIPER or blacksmouth or something along those lines. I am now CaptainKaycee since that is the name I use over on CS as well. :)
Hello and welcome! I missed a lot of MyVMK but it can be reasonably easy to get stuff for sprees/green keys at the moment. You just have to love playing JC or Fireworks though, good luck!


Well-Known Member
Welcome! It was just our one year anniversary this past week.
Regardless, we're happy to have you! Better late then never!


Well-Known Member
Welcome! :D


Documented Disney Freak
Welcome! I played original as well under the same name. Best part about this one is way more host events and the staff is very friendly! Make sure to say hello in game!
pirateVIPER seems familiar somehow.
Maybe I've seen you in game before! :O

I'm also new here, but I started playing VMK back in 2005 :D
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