Why Hungrybear Left

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Hello everyone. Many people have been asking me while i am leaving myvmk so i decided to make this post to say all the reasons that built up to me quitting the game.

1. Too Much Cheating - Ever since day 1 there has been many people that would hoard many items by creating clones. I have seen people with 60 firewalls and 30 mickey ears which were only able to be received by credits from the npcs making these amounts impossible to achieve on 1 player unless everyone just gave their stuff to them. However there have been some people that aren't in the staff's group of friends that were banned for breaking this rule but its okay for the richer people to break these rules

2. Staff Favorites- Many of the staff members have only a select group of people that they socialize with and are alot of the time rude to everyone else in the game and are very unprofessional while in rooms with the players. Most of the time if you say hi to a staff member you are lucky if they say hi back let alone get an answer to a question. This isn't true for all staff members a couple are actually equally nice to everyone and more professional then most of the current staff

3. Some Rich A lot Poor- This is the term i use for games like vfk and this game. Only a few people on the game are wealthy because they were able to gain surplus of all the items and will not give any of it up and are constantly taking more and more in. I'm not saying there is nothing wrong with collecting an item but it shouldn't be possible for 1 person to have 30 clocks or tons of firewalls and constantly trading buy able items for more cause the game to become one of those games to where if you weren't there from day 1 and collect tons of stuff you will most likely not be-able to gather to many old items although it is possible but it may take years to gain much items even if a new person was to join today.

4. Pay-to-Play- Recently many people have opened pay to play rooms charging poor people items that are worth 10,000 credits to play games that are only a 5% chance of winning. Also the sad thing is, the hoarders that have everything are opening these rooms and basically stealing from poor kids who don't calculate the odds and just want some prizes. The worst part of this the staff approves of this which would be a long ban offense in the original vmk.

5. Time consuming- In the original game it was possible to only come on for an hour or so and able to make a decent amount of bounty in games or a host event. In this game however if there is a host event you have to dedicated 3-4 hrs sometimes to wait through a queue to do a host event. Also the keys and crates take so much time. It takes an average of 1 and 1/2 hrs to gain 1 key from fireworks if you constantly play based on my experience. I know you want it to be rare but you should for sure get a key every 3 games because each game is 10 minutes and that's 30 minutes of playing which would still make keys rare but not insanely hard to get to the point you have to donate a whole day just to get 5 keys

6. Game Not Developing- The staff is spending to much time on add ons to the instead of fixing all the stuff that was in vmk that we all miss a lot. Right now the staff is working on myvmk app for ipods and tablets but they are ignoring the fact that gator waiter is stuck, Ned and pirate doesn't works, 3/4 games are still closed, quests aren't working, we can access half of tomorrowland because we cant get scuba, autopia, or space, the music mixer inst working, the cash registers in every shop are broken, there are so many effect bugs all over the game, and the monorail isn't working, cameras don't work, penny arcade doesn't work, tomorrowland arcade doesn't work, Main Street is bugged out, Mark Twain isn't working, and worst of all you cant sit any where accept a couple rooms in the kingdom. even this simple addition would make the game better. I can understand that this is a lot of work and i wouldn't mind if they would just concentrate on fixing the game before adding ad-ons. I also don't like how there is not 1 old vmk player or a person that knows a lot about Disney developing the game

7. To Much New Stuff- The staff is making to much new stuff and releasing content that wasn't in vmk before they even finish bringing back all the games. Like the gas masks and this crate and key game. Stuff like this should mildly be added to the game every once and a while not once a month. they should be focused on getting vmk back to a working state and opening all the games before adding new mini games on. The game is also turning towards dr. who themed more than disney themed. I know that in the future alot more items based from dr who will be added to the game.

In final i just wanted to say good bye and I wish you all luck. Some people have the idea that I'm just making a new account including Amy but they are wrong. I will come on the game a couple times a week to chat with my friends but not to play. Also if Amy thinks I'm switching accounts she should IP track me and see im only come on once and a while on Hungrybear and not any other character for long periods of time. Once again good luck all and i hope you enjoy my dr who kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Although I agree with most of the points you make, I personally wouldn't quit over them. I respect your decision though! Thanks for being a part of the community, and good luck!


Well-Known Member
No Hungrybear :( I'm going to miss seeing you around the kingdom and your great game hosting skills! If you are going to log on once in a while I'll hopefully get a chance to catch you and talk to you! :/


Not so Active Member
I'm sorry to hear about that, HungryBear, some of it I'd have to agree on, but you shouldn't quit over this, however I respect your decision. Good luck and thanks for being apart of MYVMK.


WDW Annual Passholder
While I understand these things can be frustrating, VMK was similar in some of the aspects you mentioned. I was pretty much 'poor' during all of VMK. I never really had a lot of rares or a lot of credits, but I still had fun with the game by chatting with friends and earning/buying as much as I could.

This is the start of a game, you can't expect all of the NPCs to be fixed, or all of the games to be working. They are tremendous projects that require a lot of time and effort. The new client that is under development will finally be able to run on Mac computers (which currently cannot run MyVMK [Mavericks]), and allow for easier access to the game on our smart devices.

I don't think people are looking at the crate/key system in the right ways. I see this as a way to reward you for doing what you'd normally be doing (ie, collecting credits from NPCs, playing fireworks), I don't see this as the only reason to log on or something I'd slave over for hours.

I also don't mean to sound rude, but your last tidbit was a little unnecessary. MyVMK will never be the same as VMK used to be. That's kind of the point. We all loved the VMK, but adding furniture recolors and one Dr. Who item never killed anybody. I personally enjoy seeing these new items in the game. These little features are to keep us occupied while bigger things are being worked on. Stringing a very elaborate game together is not something that's going to happen in a few weeks.


no sleep club
I do agree with some of your points, but sadly some of these are how games (in general) work. Not everyone is going to be super rich in a game, while others are. And clones were pretty big in the original VMK, so I could care less about people doing it in MVMK. I do agree with the too much new content being added to the game, though, and not fixing things that need to be fixed first.

Gonna miss you, bud.
I agree with all of these. You really do have a point. Another thing I don't like that's been happening A LOT more is how rude people have become. They bash you for every little thing you do or say, so I don't think you have a bad attitude towards saying anything. I'm sorry to hear you're leaving though.
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