MiniGames a Top Priority!


Pirate 4 Life
I'm hoping that along with getting the mechanics of all the various rooms done etc, that priority will go to getting the minigames up. I'd have to say this is more important than creating "items". Minigames will keep people coming in, and help them generate credits to buy the items and create rooms, almost everyone had their favorite game, mine was Pirates. Hope to see the minigames pushed up high on the list of "to do's" ( I know there's ton's of to do's too)


The Confused One.
My computer never allowed me to get very good with Fireworks :(
I was fortunate enough to play it for about a week on a really nice computer and I was like wow this game is so much fun.

I really can't wait to play pirates again as well. It was so much fun battling in 4v4 parties.
It's gonna take Amy forever to recreate the minigames' code. I do agree they should be a top priority, it's what kept players around in VMK.


Animation Expert
Be it as it may the current top to do's are most likley taking alot of bug problems and fixing it along with the games which are currently i would say a side project but i cant confirm it

In my opinion though id love for the games to be out right now


Well-Known Member
The haunted mansion game is by far my favorite. It is a little sad that it'll probably be the very last to be added to the game. I understand why, and I'll have other games to play while I look forward to the ghosts :D
Fireworks all day erry day, boi.

Seriously, easiest and fastest method for making $$$.

I'll let you all in on a little secret (no sarcasm or exaggerations whatsoever). Firstly, i'll tell you what i'll be averaging weekly; if i'm slow and lazy, 80K-100K credits/week, if i'm on top of my game, 150-180K credits/week. Now, if you aren't the best at Fireworks, fear not, even the slowest Fireworks player can average roughly at LEAST 40K credits/week.

Remember, what I say is the truth, I do not lie.

As the great Dom Mazzetti would say.

50 Percent fact, 50 Percent magic, One-Hunned Percent results.

I'd like to point something out: the game will never be complete. Everyone was mad that vfk was "incomplete" when it opened. Yes, it was board line terrible, but hey, the game was always meant to be expanding. MyVMK will be the same - Amy is always going to be adding new things to the game and making it better. So, everyone is getting hyped up for nothing. She will eventually get everything in and more.