Tomorrowland Month?

For the sake of spreading rumors...

- Marvel Month (For the release of Avengers 2 in theaters)
- 60th Anniversary/Diamond Month (For Disneyland's 60th Anniversary)
- Tomorrowland Month Redux (For the release of Tomorrowland in theaters)
- Dreams Month Redux (For the 1-year anniversary of Dreams Month)
i wouldnt mind all of these
-marvel month im okay with as long as we get a black widow outfit
-60th anniversary dreams month with diamond dream ears and a silver dream shirt is like my dream
-tommorowland month for the movie and they can tie in star wars items for star wars day etc


I shoot when you're stuck.
Pirates Month v2.0 with treasure room, fireballs, capture the flag, keys, and (working) kraken

pls i dont even need any items released. just the Caribbean town square room