Clarifications on Recent Changes

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I agree with what @Littlebelle said about who is going to apply to be staff. I doubt many people who actually want change will apply because we don't want certain people on the team and to have to work alongside them... Sounds like a bucket of fun.

I'm guessing most of the applications will be by:
a) Staff friends
b) People who don't question the regime
c) People who like to remain blissfully ignorant
d) People who want power/ behind the scenes access

None of those will make good candidates but they will be brought on board anyway. I doubt many people who would be good for the positions will apply after recent events.

So the staff win. Those with power get more power as they will be able to manipulate the people who join the team easily. As said in the leaks, the staff get a say in who joins and who doesn't. Let's be real, anyone questioning the current administration will either get an automatic no or have a heavy disadvantage because they don't want people who question certain people. Go read the leaks. Some of the staff who are left are "yes men".

So congratulations to all those who become new staff, I'm sure it will be SO very well DESERVED and not at all BIAS or in any way to create a pyramid of POWER for those staff left.
I think some who care enough will apply. At least, Im hoping.
Then again, some who would be good candidates (EDIT: in my opinion) are already gone, so...


Well-Known Member

but what happens when it's not the players, but the own staff that is making the "very special place" an unsafe, unsatisfactory environment for all users? it bothers me that the people that we are supposed to be calling for help to or expressing our needs via email are the ones who are really just vicious and mean people behind the scenes and due to their silence, you can tell that they truly do not care what we even have to say, hence why so many people are leaving. because who do we call for now? so many people get away with so many things and everyone has seen it happen even a couple months ago and not just recently. it's favoritism and as in the Skype chat logs, even the hosts saw it too. don't expect us players to just brush this off and be controlled as little robots because we won't. even though this is just a "silly game" as abs likes to call it, behind this computer screen are REAL people with REAL feelings and some people are more sensitive than others, so you will see different reactions throughout this entire whatever you even want to call it. so how about they act like staff for once and come together and give us all either some reassurance or a some forsaken answer as to why they're silent and we the players have to be the ones to suffer and try to mend it all together when we haven't done anything wrong in this situation. sure, we complain about things but who cares. staff are the ones "in charge" and are supposed to make this environment actually fun to play in and not something to dread to log on to which is what it's slowly coming down to. and if they want to play the silent treatment, that just shows that the players are much more mature than the actual staff and it's sad to even see that actually happen. we're always told that staff loves us, appreciates us and we're the ones that make the game fun. well how about they actually show that instead of hiding behind their mod screens and playing events as if we're not unhappy. this is annoying me and i usually do not comment on things like this on forums but this is getting so out of hand and just straight up disrespectful, especially if the staff that are staying are the ones that are tearing the community apart. if something doesn't get fixed or there isn't an apology or something being done, staff, you're going to lose all of us players because i can tell you that at least 70% of players are sick and tired of this back and forth and not being able to trust staff because of those chat logs. so now we have no one to go to when there's an issue because we know how staff really acts. and for those who are shaming cricket for doing what she did, i consider it a good thing, because now we see what goes on behind the scenes, and it's disgusting. end of rant.
say it louder bc i dont think the people in the back heard you


Well-Known Member
I would also like to raise another point.

Staff are above the rules it seems. Apparently the rules there to protect us and to make the game fun can be broken by staff and as abs said:
We would have gladly given them a second chance,
and yet if a player breaks a rule they get banned.

Many staff have broken rules and abused powers and they get a slap on the wrist and second chances. Why are those people above the rules? You clearly can't trust them as they have broken the rules but not only do they get a second chance but they don't get reprimanded in any way.

Honestly it's shoddy. It reminds of times when people in the police force break the law and their co-workers either cover for them, make it go away or do nothing to get true justice. That is what is happening here. @Amy was saying how they're not corrupt or anything but it is; allowing people to break rules with no consequences because they are staff is corruption.

If people break rules they get banned or punished, unless they're staff, where they either get a slap on the wrist or promoted.



i have no gender & i must scream
so i think i got a plan of action that could work

we all email, private message on forums, facebook message, any type of contact we have(skype if you have the staff's, i personally do not) every day, at least once a day, demanding answers
if we all do this consistently, their messages will blow up, and they will have no choice but to respond or close their accounts. i am not endorsing harassment, only consistent reminders of our feelings. the messages should be strong, but not insulting.

example: Hello [staff], as a MyVMK member, I demand you address the community and listen to our concerns.


Well-Known Member
~raises hand quietly~ I have Lisa's facebook...
Not giving it out but let me tell you this: if you know where it look it is exxtrreemely easy to find
this is too far. As much as I dislike what has happened, targeting their personal facebooks and skypes etc is pretty disgusting. This is a game, no need to turn this into personal bullying and harassment of people.
this is too far. As much as I dislike what has happened, targeting their personal facebooks and skypes etc is pretty disgusting. This is a game, no need to turn this into personal bullying and harassment of people.
Whoah there, cowboy. I am a peace keeper, why do you think I said I'm not giving it out. I think you should have quoted Peaches' post lol I do not bully, considering the fact that I had to drop out of high school at 16 for getting severely bullied, you can best believe I for one do not bully.
Now people will search "Kali" in the MyVMK Facebook group and I'm the one who pops up D: lol
yes but your name is Kalinn they'd have to be stupid to mistake you with Kali hun xD
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