Should Green Flip Hat be released again??

Should VMK release the green flip again?

  • Yes! I want to see in come back in game.

    Votes: 88 48.4%
  • No! it was retired for a reason!

    Votes: 57 31.3%
  • I don't care.

    Votes: 37 20.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Everybody who voted No owns the flips hat, guaranteed.
not everyone, i dont have flip.. and many more dont either..


I don't own a flip hat because I joined after they were retired. I don't think they should be brought back, though. They have a label in the VMK economy as being one of the rare items. If they are going to be brought back, it should be a while from now and for only a short period of time. If not that, then just don't bring the flip hat back at all. Items are labeled as "retired" for a reason. Sure, I'd love one of these hats, but the value of the item shouldn't be tampered with.
I could honestly care less. It's not the reason why I play the game.
I'd rather spend my time goofing off on vmk than trying to get virtually wealthy.


Well-Known Member
Amy said very specifically that everything retired up to the point of the fire wall would be making another appearance sooner or later, I wouldn't be surprised if that has changed though.
I understand the opposing opinions about the retirement of the most desired Flip Hat, but in my honest perspective I believe that the Flip Hats should not return to the catalog and only be re-released rarely in host events. If Flip Hats were to be resold, everyone would purchase heaps of it, creating a much lesser value than what it is currently.


The one and only...
Just leave it retired. I don't have it, don't care to have it, and it's not affecting my game play because I don't have it. I'd rather see new things go on sale rather than re-releases.
Yes, but not now.

Items should never be entirely off the re-release table. Otherwise, the economy becomes predictable, hits an equilibrium, and entirely stagnates. You get no mobility.


Smile and the world smiles with you
I think everything that has been retired should make a reappearance. You say for the economy not too. How can players compete with other players with a few flip hats and 30 firewalls. They will always be ahead. They are getting one bat for each wall. They do not even have to play many games of fireworks. Can buy everything in the stores if they do play fireworks a lot 10X++++++ so when something is retired they will have it because they did not have to work hard at fireworks. The game is already off balance. Everything needs to be brought back. And other things retired. So the flip hat will not be rare. Something else will be. But I can not see how players who did not buy lots of walls can ever keep pace. Thanks
No... for a few reasons. The main reason being that because it has been discontinued and people have already traded ridiculous amounts for it. You really want to reintroduce an item that has already been established as a rare item? Seriously? You can approach this topic as "I don't want one, I just want to know what people think" all you want, but really, no one's stupid, we/I know what you're getting at. Just because you and your friends and multiple other people don't have one doesn't mean the game should cater to your every want and need.

YOU missed out on the flip hat, TOUGH LUCK. I hate to be so blunt, but that's how any and all games involving trade goes, especially discontinued items.

If you or anyone else really wants one, SAVE for it. Tessa traded FIVE clocks for a flip hat.

EDIT: Just to clarify and as an added note. There are two sides to this game, the social and care-free side, and the community that's in it for the trade. If you reintroduce a discontinued item the value of that item becomes ZERO. And I can guarantee you that all the people who will trade theirs in the future because rarity will inherently increase over time will be PO'd.


original vmk player
I think it should be released again because this is a game about socializing, NOT a game about "omg look at me I have all these rares." I think everyone should be able to just go to the shops and get whatever item they want, without having to give away a ton of items for one item.
I agree
If the game were about socializing, it really wouldn't be any fun to be honest. A lot people enjoy getting involved with the trading/building aspect of the game. Without these two important fundamentals, what would the game be? VMK wasn't solemnly based on just talking with people every day. There are things to do like trading and building rooms! :)


Mr. Cinderella
Flip should not come back -- even though I don't have one.

Bringing green flip back into the game as a selling item will surely mess up the economy in some way.
I strongly disagree.


Well-Known Member
I say no, and I also doubt it will come back. The flip hat is very rare, bringing it back would mean tons of people buying it, causing it to drop in value.
EDIT: Just to clarify and as an added note. There are two sides to this game, the social and care-free side, and the community that's in it for the trade. If you reintroduce a discontinued item the value of that item becomes ZERO. And I can guarantee you that all the people who will trade theirs in the future because rarity will inherently increase over time will be PO'd.
Well, as you say, tough luck.

Virtual economies get thrown out of whack when it is a known fact that no retired item will ever be re-released. This is what I call the VFK Problem: if you weren't hoarding from beta in VFK, you're basically done. If you want a balanced and fair economy, you need to throw a few curveballs. Things need to be randomly retired and re-released.


Well-Known Member
I'd like it to return so that I have the opportunity to get it. I missed out on buying it when it was first released. Didn't the green flip re-release in VMK? I think I remember trading for it and it re-releases a week later, lol.


Well-Known Member
Everyone who has been saying "its not fair because it as only first day" well if you played VFK they had many "First Day" only items and no one was upset over it or thought it was unfair. You just had to trade for it. So just because u missed it doesnt mean it should come back. and just because you dont have it means it should come bakc either. The flip hat should be your motivation to play vmk and have fun, it should be your goal in vmk. and once you get it, maybe trade it off and try again for it like ppl did in VFK with beanies and feathers.