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  • Which gas laws? And omg! I'm doing equilibrium in two weeks from now! This coming week is Chemical Kinetics. So you took AP Chemistry? Did you learn the same things as General Chemistry? I wish I could have taken AP Chemistry or an advanced chem course in HS! When I took chem, I thought it was super easy. I got to college, and I was like whattttttttttt! (but I ended up loving it so much)
    omg! Yay! We're both fishies :aww: How is chemistry going for you? Is it hard? I have a Chem test on Thursday, and I'm freaking out! D: I'm struggling with this chapter on Colligative Properties. I get confused with some of the equations. I have to read the textbook. D: I like lab a lot too! Last week though, I spilled acid on the floor&on my shoes, and I did the whole experiment wrong. (I can be so clumsy I swear!) For some reason though, I am more in love with the chemistry lecture than the lab. (I think it has to do with the professor, though) I'm glad to finish these chapters..I'm not so interested in them. In the syllabus, I saw that we're going to go over Thermodynamics and Nuclear Chemistry (which I'm excited for!) I hope to go to medical school! If not, I think I would continue with graduate studies -- maybe in Forensic Chemistry? I don't know, and I don't even want to think about other options than going to medical school (but, I mean, it's always good to have a plan B right?)
    What would you like to do in the future? I'm a freshman (barely)! :P I entered as a biology major, but I started liking chemistry more! Unfortunately, the chemistry major at our school is super small. It has around 40 students (or less) compared to the 800 (or more..I'm not sure) biology majors. I'm barely learning about "Solutions and their Colligative Properties" in Gen. Chem II. It's an okay chapter. What year are you and what's your favorite chem class?
    omg, I just saw that you're a chemistry major too! <3 I'm freaking out! Yay! :D I don't know many people who major in chemistry, so I'm excited! Woot. aHaHaHah. (Sorry! I hope I didn't scare you with all my excitement :P!)
    I couldn't screenshot it and upload it normally since it was on another computer without an internet connection, so I just took a photo LOL
    idk if I have any more but i'll see! since I was just scrolling through them pretty fast
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