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  • wow, I had no idea...that's pretty cool :) I must admit they have some pretty cool classes on there - I wish I had more time to do more!
    Sooo.. I have work until 8. Can you message me if the game comes out? :D
    Oh man, I never have that motivation unless I was really behind...but I make sure I stick with my pace chart no matter what, and even sometimes get ahead if I'm EXTREMELY bored (never end up doing that though!) but you should definitely take notes, I know it helps me, because I couldn't possibly remember everything
    I know the feeling!! But it still beats public school any day, no matter what.....do you take notes for the call?
    Me too, I understand the struggle : () I really don't like DBA'S, as much as I like my teachers. I just have one on Monday, and then another in a month or something because for some reason my first module in english 4 honors is extremely long (I like!). do you get realllllly nervous?
    You didn't do your school!??!??! :D were ya too hooked on these forums? I have to make sure I pulllllllll myself away from the forums while I'm doing school or else I won't pay attention! I have a DBA on monday :( hmm
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