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  1. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Create a Cousin Contest - Voting!

    Voted! We have some very talented people in MyVMK! Congrats to all.
  2. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Good to see you in here, too! I think this is the start of something special! We are having a...

    Good to see you in here, too! I think this is the start of something special! We are having a blast in the game finding old friends and making new ones. Amy is doing a good job!
  3. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Room Games.

    My favorite was the quest kiosks. I sometimes had two running at the same time. We also did trivia challenges with a room where they could choose their prize.
  4. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Why did you choose your VMK name?

    I always loved the Keel Boat ride at Disneyland. If you had a good pilot, it was really funny. So, I chose awesomekeelboat for my VMK name. I hadn't wanted the 'awesome' part, but had trouble registering and ended up with it. This time around, I will be HiddenMickeyGirl because of my books...
  5. HiddenMickeyGirl

    In Park Quests?

    Glad to hear that, Kevin! We did a couple of the in-park guided tours/quests when VMK was running. LOTS of fun! We had trivia questions to answer while we were riding the Jungle Cruise. Some won special code cards for in-game furniture or special rooms. Such a blast!
  6. HiddenMickeyGirl

    VMK Item: Never Owned, but Wanted!

    I had such generous friends that I was happy with all that I had. One friend even gave me his only Animal Kingdom room! I named the giraffe after him - Bread.
  7. HiddenMickeyGirl

    What was your quest?

    I had 2 of the Quest Kiosks and ran them at the same time, usually. Mostly random trivia questions about Disney, Disneyland, or the characters and a scavenger hunt all together. Lots of teleporters and having to ride one of my rides and get off in certain rooms and then get back on and ride...
  8. HiddenMickeyGirl


    That Stitch teleporter took up SO MUCH room!
  9. HiddenMickeyGirl

    How did you pronounce 'VMK'?

    VEE em kay
  10. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Favorite VMK Pastime!

    When I wasn't chatting with friends, I was building rides or quests with the awesome Quest Machine. I still have the print-outs of most of my quests!
  11. HiddenMickeyGirl

    What was you favorite Item in VMK?

    I loved: Furniture: Tiki Tiki Fountain Room: Animal kingdom room Clothing: Chicken Hat Magic: Dancing Inferno Past time: building rides
  12. HiddenMickeyGirl

    What made you start playing VMK?

    When I heard it was centered around Disneyland, how could I resist? We even did the guided tour/quests in the Park and got some cool goodies. Still have my nametag/pin that we wore during the guided tour!
  13. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Favorite Vmk Hat?

    I wore my chicken hat most of the time. I had blue stitch later on and liked that, too.
  14. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Remember Ranch?

    I had just run across Ranch in the now-defunct game. I was hoping it would be up long enough for him to get his rooms going again! Let's hope he finds us again!
  15. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Favorite Disney Princess?

    I've always like Aurora. She's even in 2 of my books as a main character!
  16. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Sleeping beauty castle vs cinderella castle?!

    I prefer Sleeping Beauty Castle. I'm a California girl and Disneyland is my favorite park. Cinderella's Castle is quite lovely and the tile mosaics are beautiful. I ate at the restaurant (King Stephan's?) in the 1980's when I first visited and thought that was a great idea to be able to do...
  17. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Any Doctor Who Fans?

    I came late to Dr Who, but really enjoy it. David Tennant is my favorite doctor. I've been watching the Dr Who Revisited shows where they show all the different doctors throught the years.
  18. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Here from Day One Badges Mk II

    I voted for a week. It will take some time for everyone who wants to play to find out that it, indeed, is open.
  19. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Possible Public Rooms?

    I wouldn't mind Tarzan. Since the Treehouse in Disneyland was rented to Tarzan and Jane, perhaps the Treehouse in the game could have Tarzan as the NPC.
  20. HiddenMickeyGirl

    Princess inspired clothing

    loved the princess dresses we used to have. Can't remember what the prince outfit looked like. Senior moment.... We made some good friends we still have because of the princess dresses. We had a few of the pink for some reason and found someone with pink in their name and gave them a set...