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  1. K

    Post a picture of your pet

    Aww these pictures are making me jealous. I only have a fish... :thumbsdown:
  2. K

    Post a Picture of Yourself. Again

    Oh my gosh, you are so pretty. Can you do my Halloween make-up?!
  3. K

    Post a picture with your boyfriend/girlfriend

    Lol!! This is me. Everyone looks so happy. (:
  4. K

    Post a Picture of Yourself. Again

    This is my closest friend who came to live with me this year from Finland. I'm on the left. Everyone is so grown up. :)
  5. K

    Favorite VMK mods?

    Lily, but LittleDragonErin (I think?) forever. :thumbsupl
  6. K


    I seriously cannot wait! Thanks Amy!