Post a picture with your boyfriend/girlfriend

There's already a post a picture of yourself & a post a picture of your pet(s) thread... so why not couple pics? :D Here's me and my boyfriend of (almost) 3 years :)



Well-Known Member
clumsydancer said:
Oswald said:
He's gonna kill me, but oh well!!! lol
Shhhh! He doesn't need to know! ;P His eyes are so blue in that onepicture omg.
Haha, he'd get so flustered if he knew!!! OMG, yes, his eyes are bright blue, and they're beautiful. I can't even....
Oswald said:
clumsydancer said:
Oswald said:
He's gonna kill me, but oh well!!! lol
Shhhh! He doesn't need to know! ;P His eyes are so blue in that onepicture omg.
Haha, he'd get so flustered if he knew!!! OMG, yes, his eyes are bright blue, and they're beautiful. I can't even....
Gahhh he's so lucky. I want blue eyes D:
My bf's eyes are this like blue gray its so pretty and he always say I have pretty eyes and I'm just sitting here like "uhhh... you have like perfect blue gray eyes.. mine are poop colored..." xD


Well-Known Member
clumsydancer said:
Gahhh he's so lucky. I want blue eyes D:
My bf's eyes are this like blue gray its so pretty and he always say I have pretty eyes and I'm just sitting here like "uhhh... you have like perfect blue gray eyes.. mine are poop colored..." xD
lol, one night i was super tired and I was like "you're eyes are such an amazing blue" and he was like "my eyes aren't blue? they're hazel." and i was like "WHAT?!?!" I wasn't the brightest that night...


My boyfriend of a little over a year..<3
This picture is pretty old I guess. Like almost 2 years ago? Lol back when I had my lip pierced.

Jude said:
You two are so cute together, and I dissagree with you both are really attarctive :)
Thank you. :)
If I'm going to be honest, those are basically the only photos we have of the two of us. We never take 'selfies' and no one takes photos of us. Oops.

Love at first sight tbh.

Okay, in all seriousness, everybody looks so adorable and happy aww. @Perfume especially you lol.