Armpit Hair Trend

Hi guys
Idk if you've noticed or not but it's been kinda cool for girls to let their armpit hair grow out long and then to bleach or dye it different colors!!
Are any of you girls doing this??!?!?

My armpits are currently quite hairy and they are bright blue :D

If you think that the trend is gross or unacceptable or anything. Go ahead and post it. The only thing I ask is for an explanation because I would like to understand your point of view.
My thinking is that armpit hair isn't gross if it's not stinky or anything. It's just hair.

Honestly when I saw the picture of colored armpit hair at first I was like...

Now that I've thought about it, I'm still confused, but I don't really like to judge people for something they like, so I say "KEEP ON KEEPIN ON!"

Oh and by the way, you are an amazing person for this part of your post

If you think that the trend is gross or unacceptable or anything. Go ahead and post it. The only thing I ask is for an explanation because I would like to understand your point of view."

I started reading it and assumed you were going to have some angry message to people who didn't agree with it, but I just wanted to say it was really nice to see someone accepting someone else's viewpoint and wanting to understand someone's thoughts instead of tearing them down.

BRAVO! I do applaud you! *respectable clapping commences*


Not so Active Member
Sorry, but I find it really weird and gross. I can't wrap my head around how this is found 'cool and great'. Especially with the dangerous chemicals in the dye, and how it can affect the body with cancer, and also stain the skin. I don't think it will attract many men, especially since women have been shaving for so long and it's become the social norm. But, if it makes you happy, go right ahead.
since when is this a thing

also there are other countries, like china where girls do not shave. of course most don't have as much body hair, but there are some

Tis not Socially Acceptable For the female to Grow Arm-Pit hair.
Would take a brave woman to grow out her armpit hair and display it to the public.
I can already hear the hushed whispers, and stifled laughs.
If it makes her feel confident, and she's satisfied with her armpit hair despite the ridicule, than good for her.


Fraulein Sally Bowles
I personally hate going a day without shaving but I obviously have no problem with people who do. To everyone saying it's gross--think about it for a second. How would you feel if it were the norm for women to never shave? I highly doubt the thought of a woman having NATURAL armpit hair wouldn't even cause you to bat an eyelash if you had never been taught that women should have to conform to such beauty standards. People have infantilized womens' bodies to such an absurd amount that they're expect to keep every inch of their body completely 100% hairless, minus their heads. I think there's inherently something super, super messed up about that.


Not so Active Member
this is very unexpected, wouldnt dying armpit hair be bad bc of all the sweat and deodorant(pls put it if u dont ) mix in and friction is constantly happening in ur armpits n clothes so idk stains?!?

i hope the next trend is to dye whats underneath

Great point there.


Official Iron Can
I think anyone should feel comfortable doing anything with their body so long as it is not hurting others. I hate it when my parents say "boys won't find that attractive" as if I actually dress to pleasure other people. While I do like shaving my underarms because the feeling of hairy pits just makes me feel a little gross, I have nothing against anyone wanting to grow their hair out :)

I give props to anyone who can dye their hair ombre tbh.