Clarifications on Recent Changes

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Well-Known Member
How about everyone involved just steps down from their position so we can all stop fighting with each other about who is right. We all have our own opinions and I know that I shared mine. Disagreeing about our own opinions isn't helping anything. Feel free to state your opinion but since we are a community why are we trying to fight each other's opinions? We need to come together and realize that whoever was right, both sides are responsible. We need to come together instead of disagreeing. I don't even care at this point which side is telling the truth. Both sides of the party (staff) that are still left and were involved, take action and step down from your positions.

I think I said opinions like eight times but it's ok
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Well-Known Member
The bottom line is. This would have become an issue without the ex staff posts. Too many players have had issues with the way one staff presents herself in the game. So take away the ex staff post you would still have the same concerns. Since this is an ongoing issue with said staff. As soon as it was announce someone was bound to say they were not happy and why. It may be only one sided. But as I say again is 10 players enough that have had issues with the promoted staff. Is 20 ?. even before the post. When is enough to say there is a big problem. If you have so many players against this promotion you have to ask why. What are they seeing that I am not. It is that important to keep them as staff and have most of the people mistrust this decision. Have a space to fill. It may cause the game to stall a bit but it would be a much happier place. There seems to be a large consensus here on one staffs behavior does not warrant a promotion. I am sure others would love to do that job. Time to have them step down. Clear the air and try and mend the train track before it goes over the cliff. The big picture is for the game to go forward. You either deal with this or not. This staff may deserve a second chance but not a promotion but after so many players having issues with her in game character how many second chances do you need.
Amen! :yay:


Well-Known Member
I just want to say this even though it will probably be removed.

A LOT of people have felt like they have NO VOICE and NOWHERE to turn to in some respects of the game. When a certain staff member has singled you out, gone past the line of being rude and in your opinion abused powers, who can you turn to. We aren't allowed to post things like that on the forums. We can only go to staff, but oh wait. Your problem is with a staff member, so you say nothing because you don't want them to find out or be the one who responds to your issue. MANY people have kept quiet but enough is enough. This NEEDS to be ADDRESSED. People need to be HEARD because this is the time to act, when people are ready to speak up and notice other people speaking up and finally get to have the voice which has been silenced in the past.

I know we shouldn't talk about bans but Tink just got perm banned on her Tink account and it makes me feel sick knowing how sweet she is and how much she has put into the game. Also the fact that when I was perm banned, I was told by someone "in the know" that my perm ban (Which had me upset, worried, sending emails that went ignored even when staff were there) was just to warn me and that it wasn't going to stick. Many people agreed with me how sick and twisted it was to make me think I was perm banned before even talking to me, with no reason, ignoring all my ways to get in contact to teach me some sort of lesson and use me as an example. I don't know everything that happened with Tink but reading her post about her perm ban makes me want to cry for her.


Well-Known Member
People need to be HEARD because this is the time to act, when people are ready to speak up and notice other people speaking up and finally get to have the voice which has been silenced in the past.
Love this! It's time to change. Time for a staff member, who has abused not only her staff account but also her player account, say adios. The game can still have a bright future, but changes HAVE to be made.


Well-Known Member
I don't think we should generalize or put all of the staff into one category though in some senses.
If a staff member was clearly showing favoritism and doing other things they shouldn't have been doing, we can't say "the staff are favoring certain members". Don't blame all of the staff members on a few people's mistakes.
I think overall the staff have been doing a great job at keeping the game up and running pretty smoothly and devoting their time. In the end, that's all that matters.
i just would like to know the other side to the story that was on the blog.... i heard how the one host well ex host felt so how do the rest of the so called staff feel? i love you abs but your message did not really answer any questions. There are 2 sides to every story but in this case there are more than 2 so as a player of the game I would like to know what is going on with the other side of the story... Please and thank you


10 mins late to everything
i dont play this game regularly (like once in a blue moon im gonna be like addicted to myvmk for a week and stop) but i am very active on this site and i haven't heard a story about this up until now (literally had to pm someone, (thanks u da rl mvp if ur reading this btw)), and the forums basically shot the community with an essay longer than most essays I have ever written, and tbh it makes no sense.


Well-Known Member
I just want to say this even though it will probably be removed.

A LOT of people have felt like they have NO VOICE and NOWHERE to turn to in some respects of the game. When a certain staff member has singled you out, gone past the line of being rude and in your opinion abused powers, who can you turn to. We aren't allowed to post things like that on the forums. We can only go to staff, but oh wait. Your problem is with a staff member, so you say nothing because you don't want them to find out or be the one who responds to your issue. MANY people have kept quiet but enough is enough. This NEEDS to be ADDRESSED. People need to be HEARD because this is the time to act, when people are ready to speak up and notice other people speaking up and finally get to have the voice which has been silenced in the past.

I know we shouldn't talk about bans but Tink just got perm banned on her Tink account and it makes me feel sick knowing how sweet she is and how much she has put into the game. Also the fact that when I was perm banned, I was told by someone "in the know" that my perm ban (Which had me upset, worried, sending emails that went ignored even when staff were there) was just to warn me and that it wasn't going to stick. Many people agreed with me how sick and twisted it was to make me think I was perm banned before even talking to me, with no reason, ignoring all my ways to get in contact to teach me some sort of lesson and use me as an example. I don't know everything that happened with Tink but reading her post about her perm ban makes me want to cry for her.
Snow's account was also perma banned
why did i just waste my time reading 107 posts
You're not alone
Also to everyone who was talking about the "having no say/opinion" thing

"You can disagree with Amy's decision to allow Kali and myself to take these positions, and you're entitled to your opinion, but that does not mean you havea say in the matter."
meaning this specific situation. I am a brand new member, and as a new member I have no affiliation with any of you or the staff. What I do have to say is that, I think Abs' OP was not clear enough in what has been going on and that everyone still has a lot of questions, myself included. Cricket gave her entire side of the story and I think since everyone knows that side (Im starting to regret sharing it...) that we should know the other side too. I also think that a lot of you guys wont rest until Kali is off as staff. That's just the vibe I'm getting, but I think that's how it should be too.
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