Confession: I *really* thought I was over it.

Not gonna lie, for years I've felt solidly and completely over VMK. It's something that's barely crossed my mind in years and I really didn't even play too much during the final year. However, all this VMK hooplah from the last week has me looking through old pictures and I can't help but feel deeply nostalgic. Which, frankly, was extremely surprising to me. Maybe it's because so much time has passed or maybe it's because I'm in such a wonderfully different place in my life, but the point is that I'm ready to get back into it as I'm sure many others are.

Here's to hoping everything pans out.



The Confused One.
You're not alone ^.^ I also left VMK for the final months as I had gotten a little bored of it and it seemed to not be going anywhere during the time I fell out of interest. I went back every once in a while but it just never felt the same.

I thought I was over a couple years ago as well, but then I had a sudden draw of interest to go look and find out if there's been any developments on if it was coming back. I just looked again for it this past weekend late one night and found OVMK and was strangely lost in all the confusion over there that they had actually already opened a game like VMK. I went to youtube and watched some of Amy's videos and now I can't wait to go back and listen to the sounds that made me so very happy at points during my childhood.
I feel like VMK is like that ex boyfriend that you haven't been with in so long that you have forgotten all of his irritating habits and undesirable qualities. Then you run into him one day years later and start questioning why you even broke up in the first place. Then after a couple of dinner dates watching him chew with his mouth open, you're like "oh yeah...that's why..."

Lol, I guess we'll see how it goes this time around.
I totally agree, once you start looking at all the old photos, seeing old friends from back then it does make you realize you missed it.

The old bf analogy is so very funny and we might find out its true! haha :o
I know exactly how you feel! VMK was my second home practically though. I went on every day..I made some amazing friends! When it closed not gonna lie I was really sad. But as the years went by I tried to make myself believe that I was over it and that it was "never coming back"...Now that it some what has I've been thinking back to all the times and memories I had on VMK and have been feeling very nostalgic. I don't know if i'll be playing as much as I use to when I was younger considering I need to focus on school but I do know ill defiantly play some! I have already found some of my old vmk friends (even though it was on ovmk) hopefully they switch over and join MMK as well!


Well-Known Member
LOL the boyfriend example...

But yes I completely agree!! I haven't been able to find my old screenshots from the old computer I used to play VMK on, leaving me only with a small amount I had on photobucket... but just seeing them brings back so many memories! Especially the screenshot conversations among friends with some inside jokes that I both do and do not remember! hahaha Now I really want to play again! :)


Well-Known Member

I don't know if I wish it never got recreated or what.

I still have too many "missing" friends from VMK that don't know about this.


Well-Known Member
LOL I completely forgot about it tbh. Well not "completely", but I rarely thought about it because it's been 5 years. It wasn't until like this past june that I was being all nostalgic because I had just graduated high school and I was going to college and we had to write a reflective essay on our lives and what not. Then I thought about when I was 11 and 12 and how I was addicted to vmk and then I searched the hashtag on twitter and found Nick's twitter and then I joined openvmk forums...and wha la! LOL. Gettin' turnt on ovmk xD


Well-Known Member
I thought I could live without VMK too... and then I spent a few days on OVMK. I'm afraid to get too attached to the game again, since I have lots of other things I have to do with my time now. xP


Well-Known Member
Julesoola said:
I feel like VMK is like that ex boyfriend that you haven't been with in so long that you have forgotten all of his irritating habits and undesirable qualities. Then you run into him one day years later and start questioning why you even broke up in the first place. Then after a couple of dinner dates watching him chew with his mouth open, you're like "oh yeah...that's why..."

Lol, I guess we'll see how it goes this time around.
I know exactly how you feel.

Wait...maybe not...

But in reality, I do (regarding VMk, not a bf). :geek: