Fireworks - End-of-Game Bug AND Lobby Bugs


Well-Known Member
There are two (three?) bugs that happen when the Fireworks Remixed game ends.

The first is that the pop-up message telling you how many credits you've earned shouldn't pop up until the player is actually in the lobby. Currently, it is popping up right at the end of the game, at the same time as the lobby loading screen is showing. Because of this, the message is sometime unreadable, or the lobby gets missed altogether.

Another bug has to do with the entrance to the Fireworks Lobby after the game has ended. The top three players should exit through the castle - each going down their respective set of stairs. The rest of the players should enter the Lobby at the bottom.

Related to that last bug is the Lobby entrance bug, where we're all stacked on top of each other. I believe this is a game-wide bug, however. When we enter a room, we shouldn't be stacked on each other as much as possible. For the Fireworks Lobby, in the past, that meant that we lined the bottom of the Lobby.

Another Bug:
Also, peeps should not be able to walk up the 3 winner's exits.
Another lobby bug, though it isn't necessarily a bug, is here.
Thanks for reporting these. :)

Also, peeps should not be able to walk up the 3 winner's exits.


Well-Known Member
I have also noticed a glitch that sometimes scores get swapped with other players. I had gotten a score of 5000+ and at the last round the scores switched with another player?

I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem


Well-Known Member
I found another Lobby bug, but it's probably just something that hasn't been programmed yet. I'll report it as a bug, just in case.

In the lobby, there is a pulsing light that's supposed to give the illusion of fireworks being launched in the background. Well, the pulsing light is there, but the fireworks trails (as it ascends in the sky) and their respective explosions aren't there.
I have also noticed a glitch that sometimes scores get swapped with other players. I had gotten a score of 5000+ and at the last round the scores switched with another player?

I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem
I've had this as well. I still get the right amount of credits, but it can get a bit confusing during the game.


Well-Known Member
Yup, I've noticed all these! I also have found that sometimes when it says I'm the only one playing in all three top spots, I will have a different score for all three spots, which really doesn't make sense, haha