I'm new to MyVMK

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Hello everyone!

I'm TheBlueSorcerer, formerly BlueSorcerer on the original VMK. Today, I randomly thought about VMK and decided to do a quick google search to see how the old VMK forums were doing now after 7 years of VMK closing. In doing so, I somehow stumbled upon this site thinking it was just a new VMK forum with members grasping onto their lasting memories of the game we all loved. But to my surprise, VMK has truly been recreated! After some trouble logging into the game on my Mac and then discovering MyVMK doesn't work with it, I decided to bust out my old, slow Windows laptop and give it another try, and boy am I glad I did! My jaw was literally on the floor as I explored the game that had consumed so much of my time many years ago (I was ok with that lol). I can't believe how everything is exactly the way it was in VMK, aside from the numerous new items and magic (that I really want to get my hands on lol). After being so shocked on how fully functional MyVMK is, I decided to go play POTC (not thinking the mini-games would be functional), and I was so mistaken. I quickly joined a game and even more quickly remembered I had forgotten how to play LOL! Anyway, I can go on and on about how nostalgic discovering MyVMK has me right now. I haven't felt like a newbie on VMK in quite some time, and I have to admit its a very funny feeling now that I am one on MyVMK lol.

I also currently have all but one friend. I'm really hoping I can re-connect with some of my old VMK friends that I have lost contact with or any friends/fellow staff from VMKMagic forums (transitioned to DisneyMMO). If you remember me, let me know! Aside from that, I am also looking for many new friends and hoping I'll be embraced by this new MyVMK community.

I'm looking forward to seeing if MyVMK keeps my interest like VMK did (just not as much of my time time, of course ;) ).
Welcome back! I was also in your same position about a month ago. I randomly stumbled across this, and was so excited VMK was back (mostly). I don't remember my old username, so I'm not sure if we used to be friends, but if you see me around feel free to add me! :)
Welcome back! I was also in your same position about a month ago. I randomly stumbled across this, and was so excited VMK was back (mostly). I don't remember my old username, so I'm not sure if we used to be friends, but if you see me around feel free to add me! :)
Hey Ladybird! I think I saw you around today! It's so crazy how small the game population seems. Or is today a slow day? I've ran into the same people almost everywhere I went today lol.
Ah, probably. I was exploring a lot lol and yeah, it's not nearly as big as it used to be but a lot still play! Normally you see the same people around a lot. I'm wanting to say it's usually slower during the weekdays?
Ah, probably. I was exploring a lot lol and yeah, it's not nearly as big as it used to be but a lot still play! Normally you see the same people around a lot. I'm wanting to say it's usually slower during the weekdays?
Oh ok. That makes sense. I'll more than likely be active on weekends.


dam thats crazy
Welcome!! Yeah, it can be slow especially during host events. Plus, theres certain people who're on a lotttt so yeah you'll probably see a lot of the same people.

Im Czarcasm in game as well, talk/add me if you ever see me!! :hat: I'm usually playing pirates lol


Ace in Space
Welcome! I'm Golden_bells in the game, but please call me Jay! You'll see me around in Fantasyland Courtyard, Jungle Cruise, or the Monorail(I love the monorail tbh). Come talk to me, I'm sorry if I come off socially awkward via conversation. But friend me and talk. Don't worry about forgetting how to play POTC, because I used to love playing Haunted Mansion (and I really how terrible I was doing). But anyways welcome to the forums and the game and hope to see you around often. :)


Le Freak, C'est Chic
hey! I'm chocolatebunnygrl in the game - usually around Pirates, Fantasyland Courtyard, or just wandering around rooms, lol. Feel free to say hi / add me if you see me around the park! Welcome back to the game and to forums, and hope to see you around :D
hi :wave: Welcome to MyVMK :cloud9:


RIP Mitzy 7/21/15
Welcome to the kingdom! I'm MissMitzy in game as well, you'll see me playing pirates a lot lol if you have any questions or need anything, just let me know! I'll do my best to help you :) Welcome back and enjoy the magic!


Adventure is out there.
Ok... Soooo I think I remember you.... Having trouble recalling names of people I knew back in the day but you seem really familiar! So please... remind me if I'm not remembering if we were like buds or something and being a total jerk for forgetting....

And I'm really disappointed to hear it doesn't work on Mac... because I was holding out hope that once I got home in Januarry and was reunited with my computer I could start playing (on an iPad now) but alas... my desktop computer at home is a Mac... sad... want to relive the nostolgia of VMK. And all those new items gaaaah they look so cool!!!!!

Anyways welcome back and such. Even if we never get to see you in game :P


By all means, move at a glacial pace.
@TheBlueSorcerer and @Scarry
I have delightful news for you! MyVMK CAN work on a macbook! Below is the link:
If you scroll all the way down (of the first post) you'll notice a file that you can download from mediashare. Basically, it's a portal through mac (which is how I get around using myVMK). I'm pretty sure we're friends/seen you around, Blue. And I saw your post earlier, Scarry. Glad to have you guys "back"! I was RoyalRoseGem in VMK. :)

Hope you have a magical day!


Adventure is out there.
@Animazement cool thanks! I'll have to ty it once me n' my iMac are reunited at last! ;)
@Scarry Yes! I remember you! We were friends and moderators together on VMKMagic forums! It's so exciting reconnecting with old friends. I can't wait until we're able to meet up in-game. Welcome back to the VMK experience! :D

@Animazement I later found this out after joining and making that original post, but I have yet to download it. I think I'll do that very soon though. Thank you for the direct link! :)
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