Inner space quest? Unable to finish


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!
I am stuck on the Adventure theough inner space quest on question 12.
It says to go into Autopia space race and collect the gas cans. I have the Autopia racing blue magic but I still am unable to enter.

Is there another way?


Ace is the name, room recreation is the game.
Did you activate the Magic by putting the pin on and turn it on by clicking the wand next to the chat bar? Doing that and clicking the entrance works for me.
No i cant get in the track at all lol
Have you tried any car magic? I think you can enter the tracks if you first use a car magic then enter the tracks :o


Well-Known Member
Do you have your license yet? I'm pretty sure you need to have obtained your license in order to ride on the tracks other than the quest track.