Keys for Coral!


A Pirate Gone Turbo
I've presently run out of keys at the moment. And while I have acquired the Hat, Shirt, Pants and Shoes, I am still interested in gaining extras.

For those of you that have offered me pieces of the Coral Suit, I shall keep you in mind when building up keys again.

@AllyCatt ,
shoes | 5 keys
@ShootingfortheMoon ,
3x Coral Boots | 15 keys
Coral Hat | 5 keys
2x Coral Pants | 10 keys
2x Coral Vest | 10 keys
@Dinly ,
Hat | asked for 3 keys

Your names have been added here for future reference.
Your names will be removed after I've acquired enough keys and initiated trade.
Else, you may request that your name is removed from the list, if you've traded elsewhere or have had a change of mind.

~~Below is the original Post~~

... The Kraken is at it again!

I'm looking to trade Green Keys for Coral.
I've presently got twenty(20) keys in inventory.
Five(5) keys for each piece of the Coral Suit(Hat, Shirt, Pants, Shoes).
I will trade all twenty(20) keys, if you're willing to provide me the full suit.

That's 20 Green Keys.
And I am looking for:
Coral Magic - Hat ~ 5 Green Keys
Coral Magic - Shirt
~ 5 Green Keys
Coral Magic - Pants
~ 5 Green Keys
Coral Magic - Shoes
~ 5 Green Keys.
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A Pirate Gone Turbo
@AllyCatt I'm afraid I've already agreed to Ultimate's offer.
However, I'll keep you in mind if I work up enough keys. Never really hurts to have extras.

But at the moment, I've presently acquired: Coral Magic - Shirt, Coral Magic - Pants, and Coral Magic - Shoes.
Presently looking for: Coral Magic - Hat.