Who has been victimized by bullying on myVMK? Let's raise awareness & put this to an END!

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I have followed a simple rule ever since I have started playing MyVmk, I just try to be nice to everyone, regardless. I will speak up if I see someone bullying or picking on someone but I keep my responses as civil as possible, and try to calm the situation where possible.

I wasn't on during the "friendly incident", normally friendly games are started in the South Lobby, people know to check there for friendly games, and it prevents people from joining the friendly game who do not wish to play friendly. Recruit 2 teams in East and then move to South, it goes much faster and easier for you, I promise. If your game is incomplete while you wait for others to join it often affects the ability to get other games going. It's more considerate to go to South, but it's not a "rule". Many times I've joined a game, have been allowed to wait however long, only to be booted because it's friendly and full. That's just rude, and intentional. Lets all try to be considerate, ruining your friendly games wasn't nice either.

There is no reason to bully people in this game, it is not a super competitive game that involves a lot of smack talking etc, especially in the lobby areas. Bullies need to be given fair warning, once they keep repeating, a Perm ban is certainly in order in my opinion.
Harassing other players is cause to be perm banned in other games with no warning at all......Food for thought. If you really have a need to bully others please go get help for your low self esteem, just don't expect the community to keep putting up with you.
Hook out.
Want to add my :2cents: here:
(Sorry in advance if I sound harsh or mean, not my intention)
I think many of us here including myself sometimes (look we are not perfect) take this game a bit too seriously. Have we forgotten what this game is actually about/for? It was a way for us to relive something we had in our childhood. Amy did an amazing thing by bringing back VMK. Granted I feel like some of us have taken advantage of what Amy gave us. This is supposed to be a fun relaxing game where you meet new people and love all things Disney related. Never was it meant to be a full out competitive online gaming experience. I've played those types of games before and "bullying" sadly comes with the territory. This game, however, warrants NO BULLYING! If you think Pirates is competitive, then you honestly haven't played many online games. (This is not to say that Pirates isn't awesome, it truly is!)
Now, I have seen bullying firsthand and it really made me mad seeing it happen. I will say that the person on the tail-end of it handled the situation as best as they could. They never took it further or called them out for it. I will not be saying names but it was happening in a trade room. Someone got an item before someone else and they got upset. Soon words were flying and rage was ensuing. At first it was kinda funny but then I realized it wasn't. You were calling out obscene words to this person all because you didn't get some pixelated item! Like seriously... I mean maybe it's just me but if someone nabs an item before me I say "Oh well, there will always be another". Never have I gotten mad, and/or called someone out for it.

If we are going to sit here and take what was supposed to be a fun magical game and ruin it for others just because we need to feel like the Kings and Queens of the game, then honestly I don't blame many for wanting to quit. Recently there has been talk that the game is completely dead (and some days it is). Maybe it's dead due to our actions and words that are causing so many of these awesome and nice people to either quit or take breaks. Honestly, I don't care if someone else has nicer clothing or better magic than I do, but if you were to call me out on it and make me feel like a lesser person then yeah I would take offense to that.

I will say this and I mean it wholeheartedly. 98% of the people in this game are AMAZINGLY AWESOME and NICE people. There are just a few sour grapes trying to ruin the fun for others. The bullying Ineeds to stop! If you see it, you need to report it. Don't leave it be, because then that person will continue going on just like before. I do feel that the staff is more than capable of handling and diffusing a bullying situation. If you do not like their ruling then privately message them. Don't act like a fool and call them out during the game or on the forums. They are just volunteering their time to this awesome game. No need to yell at them. I truly love this game and I hope that it can stay forever, but if we don't start treating people the way we want to be treated I'm not so sure that wish can be fulfilled.
Rant Over!

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Coolest Member
I haven't been bullied or seen any bullying. What I have seen is a lot of pettiness, rudeness, sarcasm, and coldness from certain players and certain groups of players. It totally sucks, but I don't consider this bullying. It's just how they choose to act. Bullying is much more severe than getting ignored or experiencing sarcasm or getting your POTC game ruined. It goes a lot deeper.
I haven't been bullied or seen any bullying. What I have seen is a lot of pettiness, rudeness, sarcasm, and coldness from certain players and certain groups of players. It totally sucks, but I don't consider this bullying. It's just how they choose to act. Bullying is much more severe than getting ignored or experiencing sarcasm or getting your POTC game ruined. It goes a lot deeper.
Then you don't see or interact with an actual bullying issue. It has happened, the "victims" know the difference and it's still hurtful and quite rude. POTC is just part of the bullying issue, there's absolutely more out beyond the lobby, and that's not the point. The point is people are being rude, or should I say "sarcastic" towards others, but how do we know you're being sarcastic? No clue.
I was on the end of it yesterday. It's the first time I had experienced it in the game. People who were repeatedly ruining other player's games on purpose, because they didn't like them playing in "their lobby." They were joining friendly games and shooting repeatedly when we asked them to please stop. Then they would join our games over & over again, even though we asked them to please leave us be. They told us to leave or they would not leave us alone.

Our games were being generated in the main lobby because that is where the bulk of the players are and it's tough to find people to participate in the empty lobbys. I left and played HM. I know many others did too and they were afraid to go back to the lobby. I wish there was a way to separate those that are so against friendly games in "their" lobby. A lobby labeled friendly that kicks you back out into it after the games end? That way, those of us that like to play friendly do not have to interact with the bullys at all.
They did that to our game too Peasy... Its very pathetic that they cant just let people do what they want to do. We dont harm them in any way but they insist on ruining our fun/credits/games for their personal ignorance.
Awesome, now the bullying issue is actually being taken seriously. Although it might be hard since people claim to be "sarcastic" so there could be some issues...

Yea never mind this comment. Nothing feels serious anymore.
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hi! weird to jump on here but i have also seen more pettiness and rudeness than bullying (although i have seen bullying and am in no way denying that it happens - i just don't spend time in rooms where those convos happen...i.e. trade rooms). something i have committed to is being an active bystander and calling out the behavior when i see it. this is, as moogle said, an online game that should be fun and not taken to be a reality or something very serious. i say things like "what do you mean by that?" or "why would you say something like that to someone?" or "i don't think that's nice to say." we have to show that we are a community and we don't tolerate this kind of behavior.
Most of my experiences in game have been positive. However, there have been a couple times where I had negative experiences.

1. On Saturday July 9th, I went to play a game of DHTF and I got one of these:
I figured no big deal, I'll see what's going on. Once I clicked the ok button, this comes up:
This person then says to me:

"Give me free or I will report you".

I was shocked. As many of you know, I am a nice person so I did not give this person free. I told @MaddieIce who was the owner of the room and a very sweet girl about this. She booted him and I thought "good, I don't have to deal with this anymore". Well, to my shock right before the game started, this person returned. The game started off fine but then it got worse once this person was out of the game. Because I refused to give free, HE told people in the game to get ME out whenever it was my turn.

2. Some of you may know this already but I've been harrased being a girl. She is dressed very much like me, claims SHE is the real Liv, not me, despite me being here since October of 2013, and even when my friends tell her I AM the real liv, she still claims she is.