Little Dragon Erin - Jungle Cruise


Smile and the world smiles with you
Many of you know - LittledragonErin passed away not long after VMK closed. She was very well known. With her help many of us were able to finally get good scores on the jungle cruise because she made a how to video showing us what we needed to do. She was the Queen of the Jungle Cruise :thumbsup:

I was wondering it there was a place we could put a small Commemorative plaque in her memory. Somewhere along the jungle cruise. I did not know her well but I think of her every time I see the jungle cruise. I saw what GPDOT when he did VMKRevisited had her Waving at the jungle cruise dock maybe we could do this?

Just a thought.
She was unforgettable - good at every game and she had more infernos than the rest of us could dream of! I had no idea that she died - I was looking forward to continuing our rivalry in Jungle Cruise. I think this is a lovely idea.
I never met her personally, but I would love to see her in the game (kind of like in VMK Revisited)
What a friend she was :( I think this would be a lovely idea. Queen of the Jungle.

Maybe there could be a place to put a memorial album (maybe on main street or esplanade?) where we could all go and remember our friends who passed. The album could show a list of the names and/or show pictures of former players who have passed? They could be entered by someone upon request on the forums here?

I think putting the actual picture in a place that you are "forced" to see such as on a game to make credits might be too much for some players to endure. But an album can be a gracefully done memorial project that is available for anyone who would like to revisit friends (and new players who may wish to see the legacy of VMK) who have passed without making everyone look if they are not able to handle that kind of emotional stress.


Well-Known Member
Littlebelle said:
Many of you know - LittledragonErin passed away not long after VMK closed. She was very well known. With her help many of us were able to finally get good scores on the jungle cruise because she made a how to video showing us what we needed to do. She was the Queen of the Jungle Cruise :thumbsup:

I was wondering it there was a place we could put a small Commemorative plaque in her memory. Somewhere along the jungle cruise. I did not know her well but I think of her every time I see the jungle cruise. I saw what GPDOT when he did VMKRevisited had her Waving at the jungle cruise dock maybe we could do this?

Just a thought.
I think an in-game plaque would be more appropriate than having her avatar represented in this game. Something to honor her memory would be wonderful, in any event. Great idea! :geek:


Smile and the world smiles with you
I am not sure if I can do this but since she is passed I am not really giving out personal information. Many of us on Disboards got the news of her passing so we have had a few years to process the news of here passing. Her facebook page that has been open for all to see. There are quotes her brother found in her writings that have been posted.

As for Erin on the dock or not I have no issues. Because no matter what every time I play jungle cruise I think about her. It does not even have to be on the dock it can be a memorial along the cruise. Maybe the explorers tent area?

So here Erin Lorellei's facebook page. Love and hugs to the people who are just finding out. the page is full of VMK pictures and quotes on VMK.


MyVMKPal Webmaster Dev
I think it's safe to say she was the #1 player in VMK. She was the richest, and most popular, and owned that one yellow stitch crate for years before the released it in a quest.