Looking for Captain America pants and shoes!

Reusing an older thread :)

I'm looking for the Captain America pants and shoes to complete the outfit! (well, I also need the helmet but I'd rather have the pants and shoes to complete the clothing bit)

I am a little new (joined last Sunday) so I may not have as much stuff as others, but I'm willing to try anyway :D
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Well-Known Member
I have the jolly roger pin, 1 burning village, 1 treasure cave, 2 hurricane bays, 1 potc aztec gold, 2 potc chalice of cartage, 2 jars of dirt, and 2 pieces of eight. Would you do any of these for keys?
I'm actually only looking for certain pins now! I need the jolly roger, burning village, treasure cave, hurricane bay, and PotC ship in a bottle. I personally want the last PotC one, but I'm open to others as well. C:
@CaptainKaycee I can! what times are you available?[DOUBLEPOST=1412198506][/DOUBLEPOST]actually. if you look here: http://forums.myvmk.com/threads/trading-almost-entire-inventory-pictures.32957/

I have pics of all the pins I'm trading :)
The two that I am actually really interested in (which ironically aren't pirate pins lol) are the Captain America pin and the OUAT title pin. C:
Also I'm online right now and I'm at the Town Square so if you want to discuss more I'm there!
@CaptainKaycee sadly the cap America pin is gone :( but I still have the OUAT pin, could you just do a 500 credit spree for it?
oh no! I'd still love to do the OUAT pin for a 500 credit spree though! And what would you do for the Rapunzel pin if you still have it? If not, then I wouldn't mind going for either the bombardment pin or one of the ones in that set C: