Official Suggestions Thread!


Well-Known Member
Gingerkitty said:
I would personally like the option to be able to give one other person the ability to move furniture in a room. Say if two are hosting an event for people and one disconnects or has to go afk, the other should be able to keep things going.
I second this. It would make making rooms with friends a lot easier. ^.^
I just think we need an updated filter, obviously no cussing but we should be allowed to say numbers and other things that aren't vulgar.
I also like the idea of having another person be able to move furniture in rooms, like a "co-manager" type of system.
I don't think there should be an open or close time, were all older now and a lot of us have work and school to deal with.
I think vmk games, quests, items, ect need to be added before anything new is released.

Mostly just agreeing with other posts, but still my 2 cents.

Also in suggesting new clothes maybe updated hairstyles? Maybe making glasses an accessory? New starter clothes?
I'd love a friend request feature that lets you search by name. :P Simple as that. Perhaps it could also allow you to automatically send friend request if someone joins with a name you input.


Get high through the lows
I too also like the idea of having friends as members for your room so they can move furniture or also even boot other players (excluding the owner and other members).
I play another game where friends can move your furniture and other items, and if they are removed, they will safely go back into your inventory and not theirs.
Grant said:
I too also like the idea of having friends as members for your room so they can move furniture or also even boot other players (excluding the owner and other members).
I play another game where friends can move your furniture and other items, and if they are removed, they will safely go back into your inventory and not theirs.
I'd love this feature. Absolutely love the idea.
Staff and hosts should be mature, as one of the older VMK players, it was painful to sit through OVMKS livestreams, sadly it was their downfall, I decided to come to this site seeing how Amy handled everything was very mature, excited for MMK and would even like to be a host in the game as I'm home during the day, how do we go about applying?
Sorry I posted this in the ideas and suggestions thread and I think I was suppose to post it here. So with that being said here is what I am thinking. I was making a room with the pixels and of course I had to buy like 100 of them. Is there a way that you could put an option to buy in bulk into the stores? Instead of having to sit there and keep clicking on the item then approving it for 100 or more times? I just think it would be awesome to have the option to choose how many you want to buy. Thanks again Amy and Kevin..
newsies said:
here are a few of my suggestions:

-Newsies Costume <3 (it's a really old disney musical)
- Rapunzel Glowing Hair Magic
- Rapunzel Tower Room and Floating Lanterns in the back
- tangled costumes
-baseball caps with mickey ears attached at the top. (example: )
-traditional mickey ears styles (minnie mouse ears, traditional style ears with sorcerer hat attatched at the top, etc.)
-minnie headbands
-maleficent costume
-stitch costume
-angel (pink stitch) costume
-sorcerer mickey costume
-disney backpacks
-minnie bows/daisy bows
-donald duck burret
-mickey mouse and minnie mouse costume
-ariel costume
-disneyland/disney world button styled pins
-(pixar) cars hat with mickey ears at the top
-all princess costumes
-annual pass holder pin/button (received through proof of owning an annual pass)
-mulan costume
-pocohontas costume
-disney cast member uniforms
-able to carry disney balloons
Obsessed with the Disney balloons idea
I have suggested this before on the previous forum...

I think there should definitely be a host event calendar with weekly/monthly host events as well as item releases, as others suggested.

I also think it would be pretty nice to occasionally hold events that would suit people from other parts of the world. Being from Ireland it would be pretty cool to have more chances to participate in these events. I understand this may be difficult and I also am lucky to be a user of the Internet as part of my masters degree - therefore can make some of the usual events. But for other people in time zones, for example in Europe, it would be nice to have even one a month - obviously American players can still take part but it would just be at different times. I would be willing to help if this occurred; as I said I am available a lot online due to personal studies :)
I agree with many of the ideas posted so far and I believe that if the community is happy then this will be a great game. I would love to see birthday pins (although mine has recently passed) and more time to get rare items (at least 3 days?). Also, I think it would be beneficial to post updates on scheduled item releases so it is fair to everybody so nobody is on at say, 11:30 and decide "Well, nothing has happened for the 5 hours I've been on" then get off just to find out that 30 minutes later an item was released and retired already.

Thanks for caring about this site! Can't wait to see you in game.

Hello Everyone

I really miss the ride pieces and the teleporters. Love building ride rooms and quest rooms. I would also love to see the games come back, especially fireworks.

Thanks all
Littlebelle said:
I would love for all of us to receive dream shirts as part of the first day badges. Why because our dreams came true and VMK is alive again :)
We Should! <3 I would really appreciate it.
My preference would be to have all items available to everyone: as in no rares or retired items.

(Feel free to call me a dreamer) I understand that some enjoy the trading aspect. Would it be possible to have 2 versions of the game.

Version 1: All items available all the time and players could earn (via npc and mini games) to shop for favorite wears, pins and building supplies. Players could still trade to exchange items with each other, but there would be no retired/removed items. Once set up this version would require minimal catalog maintenance and events.


Version 2: A version where some items are available for a limited time. Players could earn (via npc and mini games) to shop for wears, pins and building supplies --knowing that some of the items could be retired/removed and they would need to trade for them.

Please No Host Hunts. Why? A friend put it best. When there are host hunts, players stand around like statues, afraid to even speak to one another for fear of missing the host. It was tough enough waiting around and chatting during dreams month! lol

Above all, please take the time needed to establish the mini games and anything else on the agenda prior to opening. As some of us have seen before, once the door is open things can get a bit crazy. You are kind enough to create this very special gift for all of us. I personally would prefer you take the time needed and not feel stressed or pressured. I will be waiting for the day you are ready---even if it ends up being months away. I'm confident that others would too.

QueenPurpleDress said:
I agree with many of the ideas posted so far and I believe that if the community is happy then this will be a great game. I would love to see birthday pins (although mine has recently passed) and more time to get rare items (at least 3 days?). Also, I think it would be beneficial to post updates on scheduled item releases so it is fair to everybody so nobody is on at say, 11:30 and decide "Well, nothing has happened for the 5 hours I've been on" then get off just to find out that 30 minutes later an item was released and retired already.

Thanks for caring about this site! Can't wait to see you in game.

This is perfect! Rare needs to be out longer; I know it's supposed to be "limited opportunity" but it isn't really fair without a slight head notice, you know? And an event calender along with an item release calender would be great so everyone has an equal chance of participating in the events.
This is perfect! Rare needs to be out longer; I know it's supposed to be "limited opportunity" but it isn't really fair without a slight head notice, you know? And an event calender along with an item release calender would be great so everyone has an equal chance of participating in the events.
I love the idea of an event calendar.

IMO Limited time should be 10 days. Why? Most of us vacation from time to time. Although we now have wifi etc sometimes some families like to disconnect a bit on vacation. I know I do!

Anyone remember having to trust a friend to buy stuff for you when you are on vacation for a week?

Hugs and thanks for having a suggestion thread.
Suggestion for the forum:

Your first post of the thread becomes the home to all the suggestions given listed under three categories. Going to do - Doing/Done - Considered but won't happen.

This will help in a myriad of ways. One, it will provide a list so we are not offering the same suggestions over and over. That still may happen, but a listing will cut this down considerably.

It will provide a quick and easy reference for you and Amy to glance at.

Finally, it will give us an idea of where you plan to take the game. If we see certain types of things are being declined, that would give us an idea of other similar ideas maybe not making the cut.

Also as someone who did not keep up with the thread as it took off outta the gate, it is already very intimidating and will only get more massive as lots of inventive people offer up their ideas