Official Suggestions Thread!


Well-Known Member
Grant said:
Cindrbellas said:
Sorry if this has been posted already, but I just thought of something I would like to see, also curious if others would like it as well. I would love it if every time you used your single use pirate treasure chest pins you got some reward. It's so disappointing getting nothing, they at least had a very poor % of awarded pins. Something. Anything! At least 25 credits. :)
The whole point of those pins in my eyes was a chance at an extra reward. You already get credits from the minigames, I liked the fact that it didn't always give you more. I mean I'm on board for changing the percentages of rewards a little but getting nothing/ not much was part of the fun and made it more exciting when you actually did get a good reward, because it wasn't just handed to you, you worked for it.
PaulinaKayy said:
Jovey said:
I REALLY want an increase in the selection of hair colors and skin colors - it'd be lotsa fun to be able to dress up in all gray outfits or have cornflower blue hair!

they should have a color selection tool that we can use for clothes(starters) hair and skin tones
That'd be nice - especially if they had pre-selected skin tones for those who have no idea what skin color looks like. The only problem is that vmk uses sprite sheets with preset colors - creating a system where the color was determined by user selection would mean revamping the whole way that skin and hair is done :( would be worth it but that's a lotta work.
I don't know if this has already been suggested, but I would like to see the economy the same way the original vmk was. Where items aren't impossible to obtain, but still require work. It seems people in open vmk expected to have hacks and get all the items from the start, but that somewhat takes the fun out of the game, don't you think! :D
I don't know if this has already been suggested, but I would like to see the economy the same way the original vmk was. Where items aren't impossible to obtain, but still require work. It seems people in open vmk expected to have hacks and get all the items from the start, but that somewhat takes the fun out of the game, don't you think! :D
YES YES YES!!! I agree 100000000.

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry if this has been posted already, but I just thought of something I would like to see, also curious if others would like it as well. I would love it if every time you used your single use pirate treasure chest pins you got some reward. It's so disappointing getting nothing, they at least had a very poor % of awarded pins. Something. Anything! At least 25 credits. :)
I don't know if this has already been suggested, but I would like to see the economy the same way the original vmk was. Where items aren't impossible to obtain, but still require work. It seems people in open vmk expected to have hacks and get all the items from the start, but that somewhat takes the fun out of the game, don't you think! :D
As cool an idea as this is, MyVMK is fundementlally limited by its lack of ability to restrict items by people being in early (IE VMK had new people coming constatnly, so there was hugely limited supply, where as MyVMK will experience, little, if any growth, and VMK also had in-park quest.
In response to the thing about the more hairstyles/skin tons, I really love the idea of an expanded set. I also really think that there should maybe be an adjustable color wheel, like the one used in a lot of computer games (like sims 3 for example, if any of you play that). You pick a hairstyle (expanded amount hopefully) and play with the color wheel until you find the shade you want. So hair/skin tone won't have to be just green or red or brown or white, but it can be an adjustable shade as well to better suit a realistic hair style and skin tone. it would be cool if the color wheel was also applied to base game shirts.
After reading some suggestions, I would love to see:

1. Some kind of app.
2. Free or cheaper ways of taking in game pics with the camera.
3. Outside-game quests
4. Reasonably looser chat restrictions
5. Beta items, not rare items

Amy has done a marvelous job recreating this game for us! The community is (for the most part) supportive and inviting and I look forward to seeing every one of you in game! "We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious..." -Walt Disney
One of the things clearly broken in terms of gameplay is the economy. ...

Most of the adults I know who played VMK agree that keeping things "rare" or difficult and frustrating to obtain will open up the same can of worms we experienced the first time around. As someone who was considered "rich" in VMK, I would like to see more players get the items they want without needing to trade a million items to get it.
As someone who played vmk as an adult and will be playing myvmk (still as an adult lol), I agree 100% with Lori. (and I also would have been considered "rich" in vmk)

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I understand the need to keep the game 27/7 and, as an insomniac, this benefits me greatly. However, like many people I really enjoyed the closing dance at the statue. As I recall on New Year's Eve a bulletin would go out notifying everyone when it was midnight in the various time zones. Would it be possible to have a 5 (or whatever) minutes to midnight alert for major time zones to encourage a "closing" dance?
I think we should have more items based off the land of Oz. This is just another Disney movie that has potential to make some really cool items for MyVMK. This is of course when you have time! There is a lot to be done right now considering its Beta!


Well-Known Member
The whole point of those pins in my eyes was a chance at an extra reward. You already get credits from the minigames, I liked the fact that it didn't always give you more. I mean I'm on board for changing the percentages of rewards a little but getting nothing/ not much was part of the fun and made it more exciting when you actually did get a good reward, because it wasn't just handed to you, you worked for it.
Perhaps something closer to a 50% chance? :)

- Limited accounts per IP (3 maximum. Half the people who said "my entire family plays" were full of it)
- One IP winner of any event per day
- No HOST hunts. They're too VFK. And anything VFK is just awful.
- Economy. Release something new on a set day every week in one of the stores.
- Unless it's another staff member, no soliciting in rooms where staff members are standing.
- Don't over-staff. The problem with remakes done by anyone who isn't on a payroll gets over staffed and annoying. It's understandable that people are veterans and want to be a much bigger part of the system but they'll get over it.
- Don't hire kids. I'm not sure how old the current members are, but hiring kids are just asking for trouble. Not to be disrespectful but I can name someone on the staff team right now that's going to bring you up in flames eventually and that's because of personal experience. Refrain from getting too trusting in people.
Disagree with these. You're addressing the symptoms of the problem rather than the actual problem. The rest I agree with.
My reasoning for the max accounts being 3 is the cloning and handing off items to your main character. The "my family plays" was just usually the excuse people gave when they'd get banned for it.

Sorry if I misinterpreted or misunderstood what you said :-)


Professional Canadian
1. Dedicated Game Rooms
something among the lines of there sorta modified versions of guest rooms with better options for game types

2. Custom Color Clothing
like the ability to change the color of something on a piece of clothing

3. Original Content
Maybe down the line when you guys are out of content that was in the original VMK, you guys could think up some original ideas like Rooms, Minigames, Guest Rooms, Clothes, Pins, Furnisher, Magic, Etc.


Smile and the world smiles with you

- Limited accounts per IP (3 maximum. Half the people who said "my entire family plays" were full of it)
I am sorry you are wrong on this . I know for sure one family of 4 who will be playing and they are not the only one. And not it is not me. So they other half who are telling the truth should be penalized. ???


Professional Canadian
I think we should have more items based off the land of Oz. This is just another Disney movie that has potential to make some really cool items for MyVMK. This is of course when you have time! There is a lot to be done right now considering its Beta!
well in that case I think there should be more Tron items, like things from Tron:Legacy such as Sam's Suit (Found in a users signature on the site), Quora's Outfit, Tron's Suit, Clu's suit, New lightcycle chairs, Lightcycle Magic, Tron room based off the bar scene... if anyone could think of more please add to the list of tron fandom ^__^

- Limited accounts per IP (3 maximum. Half the people who said "my entire family plays" were full of it)
That's all based on speculation and not backed by fact. My two sisters and brother will be playing, that's four accounts/1-IP. Your viewpoints would alienate an entire player demographic, the family.

- One IP winner of any event per day
Be more specific please of your intentions with such implementation of a single winner linked to one single IP.

- No HOST hunts. They're too VFK. And anything VFK is just awful.
Agreed, I dislike host hunts as well.

- Economy. Release something new on a set day every week in one of the stores.
Everyone has this idea in their head that an economy in this game exists. It doesn't and it can't. Unless credits (a currency) is tradable there will never be an economy. Especially because of the fact that most if not all items you obtain are bought through the in-game shop which has a firm price of XXXX that cannot be affected by players. In order for an economy to work in this game, there would have to be a market in which we can influence using our credits.

The only real "economy" or market that exists is the rare item/trade market. That is something that (as far as i've seen and know unless something will change) is influenced and based solely off player influence. One day such-and-such hat can be worth... lets say 20 flip hats, tomorrow it could be worth 30 or 40, and the next day 10. Rares in ANY game are influenced tremendously by players. Although, there are other factors in other games that I can draw exact parallels with VMK and say "____ will affect rare trade," but I don't know that just yet.

- Unless it's another staff member, no soliciting in rooms where staff members are standing.
I see no point in implementing this, trade should be able to take place wherever and whenever unless told otherwise by staff for a "special" reason.

- Don't over-staff. The problem with remakes done by anyone who isn't on a payroll gets over staffed and annoying. It's understandable that people are veterans and want to be a much bigger part of the system but they'll get over it.
I agree entirely. I hope once MyVMK goes live staff positions aren't handed out like candy to friends and friends of friends and people who they THINK will make good in-game staff.

- Don't hire kids. I'm not sure how old the current members are, but hiring kids are just asking for trouble. Not to be disrespectful but I can name someone on the staff team right now that's going to bring you up in flames eventually and that's because of personal experience. Refrain from getting too trusting in people.
Amy is 19 and mature, i'm unsure about Grizzly or Kevin. However, based on OVMK's past moderators, I agree. Some people are like... 13 and being given staff positions and they conduct themselves as if they have blinders on, tunnel vision and biased rulings. Hopefully staff positions will be given to people who post in an objective manner in all cases, people who don't take offense to even the most petty of things. Which is something that i've seen most people here can't handle. Hopefully Amy and the rest of the staff are making good decisions on staff positions.

Guess we'll be finding out soon!

- Limited accounts per IP (3 maximum. Half the people who said "my entire family plays" were full of it)
- One IP winner of any event per day
I am sorry you are wrong on this . I know for sure one family of 4 who will be playing and they are not the only one. And not it is not me. So they other half who are telling the truth should be penalized. ???
...heh Not sure if LittleBelle was referring to my family or another. I for one have three children who joined OVMK and are planning on joining this game right along with me. We all live at home (they are minors). It seems you would be okay with us being banned because we all want to play? And before you go to the point that if one account gets all the stuff, then you would know it was a clone situation. Sorry, my son was the only one who was able to buy the stitch hats when they were released in OVMK. He bought a couple, one of which he sent over to me. He bought 3 but only 2 showed up on his account. So he sent one to me cause I had been online playing at the time, but his plan was to sell one and all four of us share the other hat. How would you then track the actions and figure it is or isn't a clone? There are several of us who have multiple people in the same home who play. Sorry, I don't like over-cloning by those who take advantage of others in doing so, but I do not know of a way to stop this without the very real possibility of penalizing families at the same time.

- Limited accounts per IP (3 maximum. Half the people who said "my entire family plays" were full of it)
- One IP winner of any event per day
We are a family of 4 that played VMK and will be playing MyVMK. I think people might be surprised how many families do play together. I can think of many just off the top of my head. I don't have an answer for people making many multiple accounts, but I do know this solution would not work for us. :)

PS - Vary, I don't see anything wrong with your son gifting you an item. That's not a clone pouring items onto a main character, that would be family playing together and watching out for each other. On one of the last few days of VMK, I ran into Phinny and she gifted us 2 special pair of ears for the kids. I was in the right place at the right time, but I got to give a special gift to the kids. Just my humble opinion. :)