Origin of Your Username?


Forest Faery and Occasional Pirate
This was my original name in VMK. My middle, soon to be last, name is Rose and my family has always called me Rosie so I just added Diz to make is disney related.
Well my original VMK name was just a random generated one, called RazzleDizzyEffect.

and my first character on MyVMK was zombiebuttz just because that's a username i use for most of my online game accounts. I picked that name because I like zombies.. and the buttz part just came from randomness, honestly. I don't even know how I thought of it. xD

But I decided to make a new account called NightElf because I felt like I needed a change, and I picked that because I love World of Warcraft, and Night Elves. :whee:


Well-Known Member
My original name was ThroughYourEyes but someone took that on here :'(

But my name IRL is Allyson. Before Allyson, I was supernovagirl and that's from Zenon.


Well-Known Member
I'm really glad this was posted! A lot of people have used the name "Nutty" against me as like an insult (which is hilarious once you hear the story):

So I was signing up for some other website long ago and I used to just use a series of numbers as my username. But that's when the website got annoying like so many others and asked for a capital letter and a lowercase. I didn't want to use my name or anything but the website offered a random word generator and the first word was Nutty. Easy enough to remember so I used that as my username and it stuck.


Where did 4 years go?!
My vmk name was DreamWish because I was in love with the song "A dream is a wish your heart makes" from Cinderella. This name is from final fantasy, Yuna was one of my favorite characters next to Cloud and Tifa from Advent Children :).


Well-Known Member
I was Clarity in the original game. I think I wanted a word that sounded like a name. When I signed up for MyVMK, the username was already taken, but happily for me, the character name was available. (For some reason, the name Clarity was already taken on this forum too, by someone who has never posted.)

I noticed after I joined MyVMK that people who talked to me kept quoting some song I'd never heard before. I'm still in my mid-twenties, but I am already an old fogie who doesn't keep up with popular music, so this was confusing for me. I had to go look up the song. So I didn't name myself after that song, since I'd never heard of it and I had the name Clarity on VMK long before the song existed.
My two original titles on VMK: Cat-Luvver and JJason
Cat-Luvver was my first one. In 2005 when I had just turned 11... My brother thought it up and made the account for me. I'm a huge cat lover. I think "Cat-Lover" was taken so he spelt it sickeningly like that XD People took to calling me "cat" for short.
JJason.... Was my second attempt at a username. I wanted to cease being known as "cat" because 12 year old me found this immensely irritating. My real name is "Jason" and I wanted to use that but it was taken. So I added a J. Unfortunately, then I became known forever as "JJ" on that username.... *facepalm*

Thankfully Jason was available here. If it hadn't been I would've chosen "Adjacent" since that's my nickname off VMK.


mischief managed
my original vmk username was silly.lily. because my dog's name was lily and i was obsessed with the name, and silly rhymed. then later, vmk staff made me change it because they thought i would impersonate host_lily or something so i changed it to SillyAlly, because Ally was how i spelled my name back then.

now it's Snaps, which is a nickname from the story, The Life and Times.
I came up with dudescl on day 1 of original vmk, and Im not too sure what my 11-year-old self was thinking. SCL is my initials, however why I chose the adjective dude at the front is a mystery. My created-in-park character in vmk was scldude. People often are confused with how to pronounce dudescl (for clarification, its "dude s-c-l", non dude-skull or dude-sci) and I usually am just called dude. I would rather have a more creative name now, but i was the dude in vmk, so i am the dude in myvmk as well.
i made mine when i was like 9 because at the time my best friends name was maisie. My name is kayla so i combined our names together to be maykay. lol i still use it now 12 years later


Well-Known Member
Whenever I sign up to things online, my real name, andy is usually taken. I like to keep it short and sweet, the fewer characters the better! adny however is usually free, so just swap the letters around and I'm there!


If boys had uteruses they'd be called duderuses
i was just listening to we cant stop by miley cyrus and then the part came on when shes like "can't you see it we who own the night, cant you see its we who bout that life"


Well-Known Member
When I was 11 I used to really like using my moms perfume because it smelled really good. So idk I couldn't think of anything better at the time so I just went with Perfume. I decided to keep it for myvmk in case anyone would remember me. Plus I just like it :)


Well-Known Member
I used my real name because it's unique, or at least that's what numerous people have told me. All you have to do is change the e to an a, so I'm not sure why people like it xD But then again I've grown to like it a lot myself. I wasn't too fond of it for a while mainly because people mispronounce it all the time, but I'm used to it now haha. I kind of have to be since even one of the assistant principles from my high school mispronounced it at graduation...

Also, I couldn't think of any other name to use. My username on VMK was DizNicola, so I figured people would still recognize me if I kept it almost the same.