Please Archive :)

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Well-Known Member
Hey there, :)

I honestly have no clue what the Kristoff pieces are worth, but I sold my last pieces for 13k per, and I saw an entire Kristoff outfit being traded for 65k last week.

LMK what you think would be fair. Thanks!
Oh wow lol i have no idea either. I didnt think they were much but then again i dont really know. Hmm..
Sure :) I'll be home in 30 minutes if you're around
I'm in-game, just playing friendly POTC out of the South lobby if you want to stop by to do the quick trade?[DOUBLEPOST=1480636229][/DOUBLEPOST]
I haven't ever seen these. Would you mind messaging me a pic? #NewbieProblems
Sure thing! :) Just gimme a little bit.
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I haven't ever seen these. Would you mind messaging me a pic? #NewbieProblems
Sorry, I'm finally sending the pics now.

How much for gingerbread mickey?! And when can we meet? LOL
Sorry, I haven't had much time to be in-game lately. :( And when I am on, it's riding SITS so I can accomplish other other stuff at the same time LOL.

The highest bid fro the pin right now is 25k.
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