[POLL] Confusion and Disappointment with Waterslide Prize Announcement.

Do you think everyone who wins the Waterslide Team Competition deserves an Inferno Magic?

  • Yes! Those that are in the Top 10 deserve an Inferno Magic like the Gingerbread Competition.

    Votes: 26 39.4%
  • No, It only should be awarded only to those who win Grand Prize.

    Votes: 40 60.6%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
I think you are confusing Participation prizes with consolation prizes. Those that place in the top11 will have really put in the time during this event.
ok this is soooooo messed up. almost all of the teams put in SO much time and effort and credits for this competition; to write them off as not working as hard when the majority of people wont even make it in the top 10 is incredibly rude. not everybody has top building skills/rare items but every ride i went on i could tell how much effort and time people had put into making the best ride that they could.


Smile and the world smiles with you
ok this is soooooo messed up. almost all of the teams put in SO much time and effort and credits for this competition; to write them off as not working as hard when the majority of people wont even make it in the top 10 is incredibly rude. not everybody has top building skills but every ride i went on i could tell how much effort and time people had put into making the best ride that they could.
Yes I rode over 70 rides. I would say the majority really put in lots of effort!!!!! The quality of the rides was great. Also I could see over 30 that could win :)
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I also agree....I think a lot of people put their best foot forward and worked their tail ends off. My team worked incredibly hard and did the best that we can do. We may not be better than some of the other more popular room builders, but we certainly didn't put any less work into our rooms and that goes for dozens of other room builders. We did what we could do.

And furthermore, why can't anything actually be civil. Why can't people just go "Meh, the prizes kinda stink. Maybe we could have such and such as a prize instead?" Why do people ALWAYS have to act like we're all in third grade and flail their arms in the air and say things like "this is pathetic" and "the staff only think for themselves." Like seriously? We want the staff to change the rules since we're "all adults," yet people have the gall to throw tantrums the moment it doesn't go exactly their way?

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I think the real problem with this is that people's expectations over the prizes were already too high. The gingerbread contest and accompanying prizes were great for the times, so everyone just assumed that this event would have similar prizes. Now that we know the prizes are different, people are angry over "lost time", when in reality, the staff sank just as much time into the contest through judging and decision making. Everyone just needs to get over it, and thank the staff for even doing the contest.

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Smile and the world smiles with you
Also what we do not know. Is how many grand prize winners there will be. We are assuming just one. It could be 5? Which would be like awesome :)

Also I warned people over and over that it might not be inferno. NO guarantee. So you either built to win inferno or you built to just have fun and win :)
I am not disappointed with the prizes.We built for the fun of competition. There was no guarantee that the prize would be inferno. Even in vmk the prize was not great for water slide competition. We would all laugh that we work so hard for a crate :) Some people just built to win a "possible inferno" I did not even think inferno would be part of the prize. So I am surprised it is even there which is nice for the winners. Just because they did it for gingerbread does not mean all room/ride events should be the same. I actually spent less time building my rooms for the ride than I did on gingerbread. Gingerbread was also more expensive than was the ride competition. Why? Because many teams share items. If one player did not have it another player did. I know many many teams did this. When we joined up we did not build to win inferno. We had no idea what the prize was. If it had been just a pin our team would have put in the same effort. Because it is a competition against other myvmk players. To even have you name listed as a top team is a great honour. So no the water slide was not more difficult than the gingerbread. It was alot(a lot) more fun you made new and good friends.
Couldn't have said it better myself, Belle!


Well-Known Member
I'm not upset, I really didn't care what the prize was... even tho I didn't have much I tried my best to build the best room I could, and I am quite pleased with my team's ride. Building is so fun, don't want contests to turn into only trying to get items. The original VMK taught us to have fun and not worry about items because they can vanish any minute!!!
Meh, it really depends on the quality rooms they have been seeing if they are deserving enough for an inferno. I really think receiving an inferno is the highest payoff for those who did above and beyond compared to others, the grand prize winner who had an edge or did something very unexpectingly different and had a lot of room building quality that put them to the top. I guess I can see how giving inferno to more than the grand prize winner would make it "less special"/valuable. The current prizes are fine as they are, and heck if someone does better than you they did for a reason. It doesn't mean your build is any less worthy, just couldn't compare to someone's who did a degree better in some aspect. Honestly I don't know what's all the craze/hype about inferno along with other rare items like stitch other than simply a tool to trade or pixelated material use of power status ok whatever (however this doesn't apply to those who truly like the items which is great we like what we like!) but it's nothing to make a fuss over if you don't get it you can't have everything. Don't worry about it :) Discussion and plausible suggestions of the topic of the thread is understandable, not overreacting to not getting what you want when you want it is not reasonable but I get that yes the top winners worked hard. That's just how it is with competitions, and it will always be left to staff's discretion to decide what's best for everyone. On a positive note, I'm looking forward to seeing some awesome rooms!
While i think this was a tough contest, a lot of hours, credits, and design/playing around with the room for best quality, it is a GAME. Prizes are prizes, if you win them you should be grateful. Vmk staff made this contest for players to have fun for a month, if you did the contest just for prizes, frankly you shouldnt deserve any winnings. I did it with my team for just the fun of it, if we place uk great, if we dont adlease we made quality work that were proud of and made friends out of it. If the staff choose to re-look the prizes, they may do so, but reality is it shouldnt be a huge deal.


Well-Known Member
My question is. Before it said that 3 categories would be judged on. Colors, Creativity and another that i dont remember? Well if staff is picking a grand prize per category and 9 runner ups per. then i could see the prizes like they are. Thats why it is like it is. Have we gotten any idea of actually how many top prizes etc? Need more info before actually voting etc. It was fun and brought me back to the game to play. Gave me a reason to build, to be a part of something. To be with friends. It would be great to win, but its just a game. Some of you are making it out to seem like this game is your life. Rare is everything?
I'm kinda disappointed with the prizes, I mean, I know not many people would even wear the gator hat, it'd be just sitting in their inventory. I know some people would, and kudos to them, but why can't the participation prize be 2 prizes like the GB contest, and actually prizes most people would want. People spent hours and hours playing games and decorating rooms for this competition, even if their room wasn't the best, they deserve more than that. Not to mention grand prize winners and runner ups get 2 of (practically) the same hat (except one looks a bit different). But the prize aren't going to change, so hopefully staff will know what to do better for next time..


My question is. Before it said that 3 categories would be judged on. Colors, Creativity and another that i dont remember? Well if staff is picking a grand prize per category and 9 runner ups per. then i could see the prizes like they are. Thats why it is like it is. Have we gotten any idea of actually how many top prizes etc? Need more info before actually voting etc. It was fun and brought me back to the game to play. Gave me a reason to build, to be a part of something. To be with friends. It would be great to win, but its just a game. Some of you are making it out to seem like this game is your life. Rare is everything?
While i think this was a tough contest, a lot of hours, credits, and design/playing around with the room for best quality, it is a GAME. Prizes are prizes, if you win them you should be grateful. Vmk staff made this contest for players to have fun for a month, if you did the contest just for prizes, frankly you shouldnt deserve any winnings. I did it with my team for just the fun of it, if we place uk great, if we dont adlease we made quality work that were proud of and made friends out of it. If the staff choose to re-look the prizes, they may do so, but reality is it shouldnt be a huge deal.
A thousand times yes.



Smile and the world smiles with you
I did not read 3 categories I read they would be judged by theme overall and colour. Does not mean that there will be a category just for colour, or theme etc.. They basically were telling us what they were looking for :)
Okay, so there were 97 teams. Let's pretend there will be 3 categories (1 grand + 10 runner up per category). So at least 33/97 teams win somewhere... and let's assume there's an average of 4 people per team... that's a whopping 132 people (probably more) who will win at least a runner up prize. Nobody was promised inferno in the beginning, and personally I entered because I love building (if I win something, that's just a bonus). So many people are going to be getting prizes and the prizes are even a little better than what we got from VMK. Sure, anyone would love to win 5* inferno and a million credits, but that's just not how it's going to be. I'm grateful.


Well-Known Member
I still don't understand why people think there's one grand prize winner? I never did. There were (technically - because of a mistake) 4 categories in VMK.
Each Player on a Grand Prize winning team will receive these prizes:
"...on A" does not equal "...on THE"

Not to mention that giving each winner on a grand prize team 5 1* Infernos is absolutely ridiculous. Most teams were at least 4 members. If a team of 6 won, that's 30 more infernos in game and they're basically all going to the same people. No thanks. I think it's a smart decision to only give a lower number.

Now I do think the participation prize could have been different. I don't think those hats have ever been extremely well liked or anything. The black flip would've been nice, even though people who didn't participate would've complained about it.


Not to mention that giving each winner on a grand prize team 5 1* Infernos is absolutely ridiculous. Most teams were at least 4 members. If a team of 6 won, that's 30 more infernos in game and they're basically all going to the same people. No thanks. I think it's a smart decision to only give a lower number.
I never thought about that. Very excellent points made, Jazzy. :thumbsup:
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