Post a Picture of Yourself. Again

i didn't post a picture of emily (neverlander) and i. *gasp*


& i just took this random selfie just now bc bored.

ta ta for now, you gorgeous people of vmk, you. <3
I'd post a cold selfie if I could, but I feel like someone else would have already beaten me to it. :(
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Not gonna lie....I was worried this would be full of weird nerds and then I see all these people and we all look normal and beautiful and handsome and omg this just makes me happy and you guys make me happy and we are just one big happy virtual weird family that have no lives. Holla at that can i get an amen?!

You can also go to my IG::

me lookin unamused and like 1/3 dead. my friend calls me Hello Kitty now everytime i wear this hoodie and i want to kill him
dang i can barely see your eyes
are you a demon