Ride Pieces - Price


I think I speak for all my ride builder buddies here when we say: Please have the ride pieces at a cheaper price! I remember them being very high, and I would just like to request that they be lowered so me and the other builders in MMK can build cheaply! (: lol


It also depends on how much NPCs gives us a day.


New Member
I think 50 credits each is very reasonable. I remember wanting to build rides but never being able to because of the expense of the pieces.


Well-Known Member
I actually I am against this..
When I played Vmk I found alot of people used irl money to finance themselves in VMK. (To buy more rares and so on)
I really want ride pieces to be something that people who work hard and earn credits have to look forward too.
Because when you have alot of credits like I did.. they were really useless for buying rares and the only things I could buy were things that were in the stores.
I really hope it stays the same like old VMK..

this is just my opinion so I hope others can respect that, thankyou.


Well-Known Member
You guys don't understand, depending on how intense or long you make the rides, 50 credits per piece could easily cause you to spend over like 2,000 credits, ON JUST RIDE PIECES.

See this is why people create clones, they're not able to spend their credits on a variety of things, after spending all their money on like two hats, they're out of money for furniture or anything else.


Smile and the world smiles with you
Being a ride builder I agree. I spent most of my time building rooms and ride pieces cost a lot. Not like we could trade our ride for a better ride. Please cut the cost of ride pieces thanks.

I had over 40 ride rooms at least. Not just cheap rooms but very intense rooms filled to the brim with decorations for the theme of the ride. If you are truly a ride builder you understand the need to lower the costs. It was extremely expensive to build.
Littlebelle said:
Being a ride builder I agree. I spent most of my time building rooms and ride pieces cost a lot. Not like we could trade our ride for a better ride. Please cut the cost of ride pieces thanks.

I had over 40 ride rooms at least. Not just cheap rooms but very intense rooms filled to the brim with decorations for the theme of the ride. If you are truly a ride builder you understand the need to lower the costs. It was extremely expensive to build.
Perfectly said Belle.

-Alex : )
Justin said:
I actually I am against this..
When I played Vmk I found alot of people used irl money to finance themselves in VMK. (To buy more rares and so on)
I really want ride pieces to be something that people who work hard and earn credits have to look forward too.
Because when you have alot of credits like I did.. they were really useless for buying rares and the only things I could buy were things that were in the stores.
I really hope it stays the same like old VMK..

this is just my opinion so I hope others can respect that, thankyou.
Look forward too? It's still not gonna be cheap to make a ride room, it just becomes something that's not substantially more expensive than a normal guest room. I'm sorry you didn't spend credits fast enough, but really, even halving the prices still leaves ride parts quite expensive. The thing with credits was, you spent them on multiples of weekend items, then traded those items later as they became uncommon, or blew 50k getting 5 star magic. There really wasn't a shortage of credit sinks in VMK unless you were doing it wrong. Precisely the opposite, getting credits was not easy enough.
in store furniture should not be so costly.. this is a video game where you're supposed to relax and have fun.. not have to sit playing potc for 5 hours so you can have that fun.. @_@


Well-Known Member
I agree with you all. I think ride pieces should be cheaper no doubt. I also believe that in store items (room building items, that for the most part will always be for sale) should be cheaper as well. Even crates for crying out loud. I understand limited release items being a bit more expensive, but if an item is always sold, then why should it be expensive? Especially if its just some ride pieces, crates, chairs, etc.