Santa Line - Day 2

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Well-Known Member
So, I know a lot of you are bummed out that you aren't getting into the Santa event. And I feel you - I understand you're frustrated that people click faster.

There's one event left. Here's what I'm doing: You can post with an item that Santa is likely to give out - meaning no unreleased items please, and preferably no super-rare hats/flips (unless you really think you'll get them for some reason)

This contest is only open to those who do not get into the room tonight, (for this purpose, I have to limit it to 60 or higher in queue (at beginning), as when I am asking I will not know how many will get in.) or got dc in queue, etc. and I reserve the right to disqualify anyone if I find evidence you were in the room at any point tonight meeting Santa (or will likely get in). (hint: if you're in the room at the same time I am, you probably won't be getting picked)

I will randomly choose one poster (no duplicates or you will be disqualified) via random number generator to have me ask for their prize once I get in the room - tonight that is after 20 something people. I will ask that Santa either give you that prize at a time when you can meet him, or I will get it and give it to you (assuming he is willing). If he is not willing you will still get a prize from me.

Lastly, please include your ingame name especially if it is different from your forum name, as well as times you can be on (if you'll be getting off before I can get the prize to you).


And Merry Christmas to all (or whatever holidays you are celebrating this time of year!)
My in game user is Vegetable & 175. I really would just like everyone to get to see Santa at least once but sadly that will not happen. I would like any type of magic.


Well-Known Member
I'm at 189 but I'm still keeping my hopes up! I do ask for any type of magic cause that's what I missed on old account on VMK.
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