Some of my art :D

Let me know what you guys think? :D
I've never taken a art class in my life.

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AH it wont let me post them all... D: so here just the links..


Well-Known Member
Aw, they're so nice! 100x better than me (and I've had to take art classes x_x). I'm curious if they're freehand or traced? If freehand, gurrrrrl, do yo skillz a favor and take 'em art classes!
These are wonderful. :) I used to draw a lot of cartoons when I was young... and a lot of still life!
These are awesome! You make me want to draw again :)
Oh thank you! Why don't you? :)
Thanks Amy bby <3
Omg, that tigger is so cute
Ah Thank you! I've always loved the like "baby" disney characters.
These are wonderful. :) I used to draw a lot of cartoons when I was young... and a lot of still life!
Thank you so much! Why don't you still?? :)
Beautiful!!! You're a great artist. I wish I was as good as you.
Oh my gosh thank you! I'm sure you're amazing tooo~
Coming from an artist himself, you are extremely talented! Keep up the wonderful work :)
Thank you Tyler! I'd love to see your work sometime!
Thank you Soarin' :) I love your name!
Thank you so much! Why don't you still?? :)
Well... When I was young I loved drawing... anything and everything. Cartoons was just one thing that I loved copying. I still have pretty much everything that I've ever drawn. Throughout the years I've used a variety of mediums and created many different works. But the last few years I've concentrated on drawing pets (dogs, cats, birds, small critters, etc) in colored pencils. I may change again one day. I think about going back to using paint... I miss it.

You can see some of my drawings at the link in my signature. :)
Well... When I was young I loved drawing... anything and everything. Cartoons was just one thing that I loved copying. I still have pretty much everything that I've ever drawn. Throughout the years I've used a variety of mediums and created many different works. But the last few years I've concentrated on drawing pets (dogs, cats, birds, small critters, etc) in colored pencils. I may change again one day. I think about going back to using paint... I miss it.

You can see some of my drawings at the link in my signature. :)
Oh my gosh! those are so good!


Not so Active Member
Dayum, these are fantastic! You are really a true artist!:D
Dayum, these are fantastic! You are really a true artist!:D
Oh my goodness thank you! (:
I h8 u 4 being talented. But seriously, those are actually really good. Great job!
AHH don't hate me D: haha thank you!
super cute. you should try coloring them in!
Thank you! I'm working on colors still... I'm not the best with them and I don't wanna mess up any drawing I already have done.. I'm definitely gonna be trying to start with colors soon though.